Documents + Critique

Quellenkritik – source criticism – is one of the most important tools of serious historiography, yet it is almost completely neglected by orthodox scholars. This section lists contribution where documents concerning aspects of the Holocaust are subjected to thorough source criticism.

Goebbels and the “Final Solution'

Bringing to Light Secrets of Hitler’s Propaganda Minister David Irving is one of the world's most widely read and influential historians. He is the author of more than two dozen published works on 20th century history. For more about him, see the Jan.-Feb. 1993 Journal, pp. 4-19. This essay is adapted from Irving's presentation at…

Air Photo Evidence

1. Introduction During the 1930s German scientists and engineers pioneered aerial photography and developed it to high technological standards, which the Allies did not attain until World War Two. During the Second World War German reconnaissance fliers took millions of photos of the contested areas as well as of areas in enemy territory. After the…

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