Forensic Research

History has three legs to stand on: witness accounts, documents, and, least corruptible, material traces of objects and events. The latter are the focus of forensic research. When it comes to the mass murder of six million civilians in central Europe within the years 1941-1944, one would expect not only a vast amount of material traces of such a butchery, but also, and most certainly, a large amount of field work carried out in order to investigate any such evidence. Yet orthodox scholars never troubled themselves with this kind of fundamental inquiry, at least until revisionists started rocking the boat. Here are listed papers dealing with forensic investigation of the (alleged) traces of the Holocaust.

The Cremation Furnaces of Auschwitz

Few objects of utter evil have inspired human imagination more than the ominous gas ovens of Auschwitz. Auschwitz is the epicenter of the Holocaust, the baseline of absolute evil. Here is where millions are said to have been murdered and obliterated in the gas ovens by the Nazis. But that’s where the problem begins, because…


Acknowledgment This study was made possible through the generosity of Director Jerzy Wróblewski of the Auschwitz-Birkenau State Museum in Oswiecim, Poland who kindly provided a small number of Zyklon-B pellets to the Holocaust History Project for physical and chemical analysis.[1] Our thanks also to Dr. Franciszek Piper, Chief Historian; Teresa Swiebocka, Publications Director; and Wojciech Smolen,…

The Holocaust by Bullets

In the immediate after-war period, it was widely believed that Nazi extermination camps existed in Germany and Poland. The barbaric Allied saturation bombing,[1] which had led to the collapse of the German transportation, food-distribution and medical networks, provoked a chaos exacerbated by the arrival of millions of refugees fleeing the Soviet invasion in the East….

After 70 Years, Archeologists Start Looking for Holocaust Evidence

After 70 Years, Archeologists Start Looking for Holocaust Evidence2012-01-21Santiago Alvarez "Mass Graves at Nazi Death Camp Treblinka Prove Holocaust Deniers Wrong" This was the title of an article in the British local newspaper The Huffington Post of Jan 16, 2012. It reported about the forensic research conducted on the territory of the former German wartime…

Comments on Treblinka Statements by Caroline Sturdy Colls

Caroline Sturdy Colls C. Mattogno: Belzec in Propaganda,Testimonies, ArcheologicalResearch, and History J. Graf, C. Mattogno, T. Kues: Sobibor. HolocaustPropaganda and Reality In November 2010 I published a blog entry on an online video concerning the research activity of a young British archaeologist from the University of Birmingham, Caroline Sturdy Colls, who had set out to…

Scrutinizing Gas

Something about gas is . . . creepy. Often, you can't see it. Supposedly, you can't run from it (not so, but it can be hard to tell which way to run). If it "gets" you, it doesn't leave visible marks, whether it kills you or not (again, effectively not true, but particularly on survivors,…

Arthur Butz and “Auschwitz: The Case for Sanity”

Smith’s Report no. 185 of October 2011 published an article by Arthur Butz entitled “Two Cutting-Edge Works of Holocaust Revisionism“ (pp. 3-7).[i] It was a review of Samuel Crowell’s recent book The Gas Chamber of Sherlock Holmes, and Other Writings on the Holocaust, Revisionism, and Historical Understanding (Nine-Banded Books, Charleston, WV, 2011), and of my…

Expert Vindication for Rudolf Auschwitz Report

Believe it or not, there's good news for revisionists out of Switzerland. On September 9 a Swiss court acquitted a Swiss revisionist of “racial discrimination” for disseminating German revisionist Germar Rudolf's forensic report detailing the absence of evidence for homicidal gassing at Auschwitz and Majdanek. Even better, the court made its ruling because an expert…

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