
The revisionist perspective of the history and objectives of re-examining the Holocaust narrative.

Myth-Making vs Free Inquiry

Steamshovel Press published an article by me titled “Holocaust Revisionism: Myth or Free Inquiry.” It deals with director Oliver Stone, his film JFK, and spins off from a statement Stone made when he was accused of not following the historical record on the Kennedy assassination. Stone claims that he invented his own “myth” to counter…

The Hemingway Western Studies Center

The HWSC & Boise State University Student Union has included my little book, Confessions of a Holocaust Revisionist: Excerpts from the Second (Enlarged) Edition, in an exhibition of small magazines in the Student Union Art Gallery. The show will run through 15 November. The exhibition, organized by Assistant Professor of English Tom Trosky, is entitled…

What I Believe, What I Don’t

I understand perfectly well that the Hitlerian regime was anti-Semitic and that it persecuted Jews and others. I understand that many peoples experienced unfathomable catastrophes in Europe during World War II. The catastrophe of the Jews was one among them. Nevertheless. I no longer believe that there was a plan to “exterminate” the Jews of…

How Money Almost Killed Revisionism

The opponents of revisionism—not counting the billion-dollar reparations programs—collect and spend as much money in a week as all the world’s revisionists in a year. If in 2014, revisionism commanded as much as a whole million dollars , the Holocaust memorials and theme parks, genocide-studies departments of a hundred universities, and anti-Semitism monitors of a…

When the Last One Dies … Look Out!

Saints are canonized only after their deaths; there’s no such thing as a living saint. It was only after the deaths of Jesus Christ and Mohammed that their respective religions, Christianity and Islam, acquired the sweeping force that enabled their adherents to lay waste countless cities and countries, the while slaughtering millions whose crime was…

IHR: From Flagship to Millstone

In his 1993 PhD thesis, the New Zealand historian Joel S. Hayward described the California Institute for Historical Review as revisionism's "mover and shaker." And in fact the Institute and its erstwhile flagship periodical The Journal of Historical Review, have had a leading, and often decisive, role in international revisionism since they were established in…

Exit the Whistleblower

Editor's remark: This document refers to a number of exhibits which we have scanned and combined into one PDF file which can be downloaded here. Introduction In late May I was dismissed as editor of the Journal of Historical Review and removed as treasurer of IHR’s parent corporation, the Legion for the Survival of Freedom….

Revisionism 101

Breaking the Spell. The Holocaust: Myth and Reality. Nicholas Kollerstrom. Castle Hill Publishers, Uckfield, UK,[1] 2014. 256 pp., including index. Dr. Nicholas Kollerstrom, recently of University College London, is a 21st-century Holocaust victim—perhaps a Holocaust survivor, in that he is alive today and, in respects other than professional, passably well. Of course, he is not…

The Rise and Fall of Historical Revisionism following World War I

World War I was a tremendous disaster. While estimates vary, most experts agree that over 8 million combatants were killed and another 21 million were wounded.[1] The United States suffered over 116,000 deaths including those attributed to disease and accidents. For the US, it was the costliest war since the American Civil War. However tragic…

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