Holocaust Revisionism

The history and objectives of re-examining the Holocaust narrative, both as a revisionist self-perception and as viewed by its opponents.

The Story Keeps Changing

Doug Collins Museums are much in vogue these days. I reported recently on the Simon Wiesenthal “Museum of Tolerance” in Los Angeles. But an apparently even bigger bang for the propaganda buck is to be seen in the Holocaust Museum in Washington, D.C. The major media again fell over themselves to deliver unquestioning coverage of…

My Lunch with George

With a syndicated column that appears in several hundred daily papers, regular appearances on ABC television’s “This Week With David Brinkley,” several successful books, and well-paid appearances on the lecture circuit, George F. Will has a deserved reputation as one of America’s most influential commentators on social-political affairs. So when his secretary phoned to ask…

British Historian Hugh Trevor-Roper On the Gerstein ‘Confessions,’ the Roques Thesis, and the Gas Chamber Question

While serving as a British army intelligence officer during the Second World War, Hugh-Trevor Roper earned a reputation as a leading expert on the German military intelligence service. At the end of the war, he was called upon to investigate the many stories then circulating about Hitler’s fate. The results of his inquiry, which he…

The Holocaust Issue: Three Christian Views

Christian Responsibility to Truth Herman Otten Herman Otten is a Lutheran pastor and editor-publisher of the weekly Christian News of New Haven, Missouri. This commentary is excerpted from his address at the Ninth IHR Conference. The complete text is published in the Fall 1989 Journal. While most revisionists appear to be opposed to the construction…

From the Editor

When the presidents of the United States, Israel and several other countries gathered in Washington, DC, on April 22 to formally dedicate the US Holocaust Memorial Museum, a small army of journalists, cameramen and commentators was there to broadcast the story to the entire world. In keeping with the spirit of the occasion, one politician…

Reviews of IHR Books Show Greater Acceptance of Revisionism

Books published by the Institute for Historical Review are gaining increasing acceptance, as indicated by reviews that have appeared in reputable journals and newspapers during the last several years. These respectful and often laudatory reviews show that the IHR is increasingly regarded as a legitimate publisher of serious works of history. Some highlights: How I…

In Spite of the Repression, Revisionism Will Win

This past July 25, in Paris, a judge notified me of three criminal proceedings brought against me, essentially for having taken part in the international conference in Tehran on “the Holocaust.” I shall remind the reader that at that conference, held on December 11th and 12th, 2006, all participants without exception, whether believers or disputers…

The Myth of the Extermination of the Jews

1. Birth and Development of Revisionism National Socialist policy in the matter of Jewish emigration, pursued officially until the beginning of February 1942, thus posed a question that really was “throbbing,” to use again the adjective employed by Poliakov. If it was true that exterminating the Jews “conformed to the fundamental objective of National Socialism”[1];…

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