Holocaust Revisionism

The history and objectives of re-examining the Holocaust narrative, both as a revisionist self-perception and as viewed by its opponents.

The Library of Congress Has Holocaust-Denial Books!

Evidently, the hard-earned tax dollars of United States taxpayers are being expended to purchase and make available to America’s reading public, books that Yad Vashem and others have exposed to be Holocaust-denial books! Lately, we’ve heard the hue and cry that Amazon is peddling books advocating Holocaust denial (and would Amazon kindly remove such material…

UK Holocaust Memorial Museum: I Challenge the British Authorities

Next year, a Holocaust Museum Memorial will be built in the heart of London, near the Parliament. In this video, a French revisionist, Vincent Reynouard, challenges the British authorities. He asks: 1. for the Memorial's designer to provide proof, a single element of proof that confirms the existence of "gas chambers" at Auschwitz, Majdanek , Treblinka,…

Donald Trump Meets the Holocaust

President Donald Trump takes evident pride in his daughter Ivanka, who converted to Judaism when she married Jared Kushner, a young Jewish man Trump has since recruited into his inner circle of advisors. Trump has promised/threatened to move the US embassy in Israel from the internationally recognized capital city of Tel Aviv to the city…

Are We Revisionists? Or Reformers?

Revisionism, like history on a good day, is a gentle art. Or not. History and the revision thereof can sometimes engage passionate agents from both within the profession (of history) and without (novelists, ethnic activists, the intensely curious). This tempest, notionally, occurs within the ambit of historiography—what happened when, to whom, how, why, at the…

Accidental Family Reunion at Yad Vashem

The Israeli Holocaust museum, Yad Vashem, compiles information about alleged victims of the Holocaust, with the obvious purpose of substantiating the alleged extent of mass-murder against Jews during the Second World War, but with the paradoxical result that some people presumed killed in the Holocaust turn out not to have been killed. Such an instance came to…

Memorabilia: Bradley Smith Chats with Director of the USHMM

On this youtube video published on March 17,  2010 (8.14 minutes) Bradley R. Smith addresses  Sara J. Bloomfield, Director of the USHMM to discuss her published reaction to the CODOH ad that ran in the Badger Herald at University of Wisconsin-Madison. He wonders if it is understood by Director Bloomfield and others at the Museum…

The Ideal of Intellectual Freedom

The recent passing of my friend Bradley Smith this past February stirred many memories of the work that we did together.[1] While we met face-to-face only once, we shared many hundreds (thousands?) of emails and countless phone calls. One project that we enthusiastically worked on together led ultimately to the creation of Inconvenient History in…

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