
Introductions to the Holocaust narrative from a revisionist perspective.

What About Wannsee?

Dear Answerman: You will find my question combative, no doubt, but I'm curious, nevertheless: At the Wannssee Conference, the Jews were specifically referred to as “the enemy,” and plans were undertaken to remove them to the east. (Hm! China, maybe??) Anyway, here is my question: since Germany had declared war on the U.S. just a…

Response to Simon Wiesenthal Center’s Not So Breitbart Report

In the Point-Counterpoint format that follows, comments from SWC are shown in bold type. Roger Bartlett's replies are shown in plain text. For further commentary, check out this link to z Notes, which discusses the Center's attempts to censor Net content and also discusses their finances. Responses to Revisionist Arguments The following questions are routinely…

How much of Nizkor’s material is truth?

Dear AnswerMan, The Nizkor Project has been well-known by all pro-holocaust theorists as the primary source of “truthful” information, mainly for his (OBC Kenneth McVay's) “sharp” refutation against the IHR, and is praised by Jews and/or holocaust theorists for trying to “eradicate hatred from the internet”… I've read over a lot of his material, but…

Is it meaningful to question a state-sponsored extermination plan?

Dear AnswerMan, I am trying to understand the Revisionist stand. In my opinion, the point is Nazis kill millions of people. That really happened! So, how they killed those people and what ways they used to kill them, seem not important.(That is just my opinion.) 60,0000 to 1 million is also a huge number, isn't…

Why don't you accept the label Holocaust deniers?

Dear AnswerMan, Since you deny that the Holocaust happened, why don't you accept the label Holocaust deniers? Sarah Delillo AnswerMan Replies: Answerman has already responded to the first part of your question, under the post, “Did the Holocaust Exist?” The second part of your question turns on the revisionist rejection of the term, Holocaust Denier….

Mad at Jews?

Dear AnswerMan, Hi! I have seen your Q&A site. I have a question for you: Granted that many things of a regrettable nature happened during WW2; granted also that the 6 million figure is grossly inflated; granted also that the existence of homicidal gas chambers is NOT supported by physical or documentary evidence. Granted also…

Six Million?

Dear AnswerMan, I read of an article published in an American-Jewish magazine in 1905 exposing a Jewish genocide of “6 million” persons during Eastern Europe pogroms. Why wasn't there no such moral rebellion as against the later nazi genocide? Was the world so insensitive about the Jews? [Name Witheld] AnswerMan Replies: The idea of “six…

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