

One Third of the Holocaust

This documentary explains how the German wartime camps at Treblinka, Sobibor, and Belzec (all in Poland) were not death camps, as is usually claimed. It thereby debunks one third of the Holocaust. The movie asks questions like, "Would the Germans have really put a fence made out of tree branches around a deathcamp?" Answer: "Uh,…

Bełżec – The dubious claims of Michael Tregenza

In 1999, an article by Tregenza entitled “Bełżec – Das vergessene Lager des Holocaust” (Bełżec – The Forgotten Camp of the Holocaust) was published in a German anthology of academic writing on the Holocaust.[1] This article was later critiqued by Italian revisionist researcher and writer Carlo Mattogno in his 2004 book on the Bełżec camp.[2]…

Speaking about Satan

Yehuda Bauer was born in Prague in 1926. In 1939, he and his family migrated to Palestine. After fighting in the 1948 Arab-Israeli war, Bauer completed a degree in history, and in 1960 he received his doctorate. Bauer was a founding editor of Journal for Holocaust and Genocide Studies and also served on the editorial…

The Myth of Natural Rights and Other Essays

The Myth of Natural Rights and Other Essays by L.A. Rollins Nine-Banded Books, Charleston, WV, 2008. 303pp. The Myth of Natural Rights and Other Essays may be purchased from: http://www.ninebandedbooks.com This is the updated version of Mr. Rollins earlier work. While I briefly debunked Rollins’ debunking of natural rights on Amazon.com, my focus here is…

Some Comments on the Gerstein Reports

Yitzhak Arad's use of Gerstein Yitzhak Arad is the author of Belzec, Sobibor, Treblinka: The Operation Reinhard Death Camps (Indiana University Press 1987), which is arguably the standard work on the three Aktion Reinhardt 'death camps'. In this book Arad spends a short chapter on 'The Mission of Gerstein and Pfannenstiel', wherein he quotes a…

The New Jewish Question

In the spring of 2005 I learned that the editors of the neo-pagan-oriented Russian journal, Atenei, had invited Guillaume Faye, one of the French nationalist right’s chief thinkers, to Russia in order to participate in discussions about future collaboration along the lines of a pan-European Euronationalist movement [“mouvement identitaire pan-européen”]. I was delighted at the…

The “Final Solution of the Jewish Question”

The Jewish Enemy: Nazi Propaganda During World War II and the Holocaust, by Jeffrey Herf, Belknap Press, Cambridge, Mass., 2006, 416 pages. Dr. Jeffrey Herf, professor of history at the University of Maryland and a prominent student of German-Jewish issues, has written a very interesting book that examines anew the National Socialist “Final Solution of…

The “Final Solution of the Jewish Question”

The Jewish Enemy: Nazi Propaganda During World War II and the Holocaust, by Jeffrey Herf, Belknap Press, Cambridge, Mass., 2006, 416 pages. Introduction Dr. Jeffrey Herf, professor of history at the University of Maryland and a prominent student of German-Jewish issues, has written a very interesting book that examines anew the National Socialist “Final Solution…

The Leuchter Report, Revisited

It has been some ten years since my critical analysis of Kenneth Stern's Critique of the Leuchter Report. This article takes a new look at that report, providing additional information and analysis.[*] I identified ten of Mr. Leuchter's 32 samples as deriving from sheltered locations: samples 4-6 from Krema II and samples 25-31 from Krema…

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