
Some aspects of the Holocaust lore can only be understood, or at least approached in a clearer light, when one considers the psychological background of the people and the times involved. Wartime, with its disasters, propaganda efforts and widespread desperation and anxiety, is a breeding ground for rumors and exaggerations, propagated both through deliberate disinformation and common credulity. Add to this the group dynamics on all sides of this controversy: the warring enemies of yore, the perpetrators – whatever their deeds – the victims, and the postwar scholars, both revisionist and orthodox, all caught in their own psychological box.

The Pope in Jerusalem

Pope John Paul II is scheduled to visit Israel next week and give an address at the Yad Vashem Holocaust Memorial in Jerusalem (March 23). There is great tension over this encounter for the following reasons. During World War II the Vatican, with its far flung connections, especially in Poland, was in a position to…

Why don't you accept the label Holocaust deniers?

Dear AnswerMan, Since you deny that the Holocaust happened, why don't you accept the label Holocaust deniers? Sarah Delillo AnswerMan Replies: Answerman has already responded to the first part of your question, under the post, “Did the Holocaust Exist?” The second part of your question turns on the revisionist rejection of the term, Holocaust Denier….

How did the Holocaust affect our current view of Germany?

Dear AnswerMan, How did the holocaust affect the way people look at Germany today? Abigail AnswerMan Replies: Germany is frequently viewed from a perspective that includes images (mental or otherwise) of the Nazis and the Holocaust. One way to demonstrate this is to consider motion pictures that have come out over the past decade. While…

Mad at Jews?

Dear AnswerMan, Hi! I have seen your Q&A site. I have a question for you: Granted that many things of a regrettable nature happened during WW2; granted also that the 6 million figure is grossly inflated; granted also that the existence of homicidal gas chambers is NOT supported by physical or documentary evidence. Granted also…

Holocaust Denial or Holocaust Revisionism?

A minor question that sometimes arises is the relative merits of the terms “Holocaust denial” and “Holocaust revisionism” to describe the views on the Jewish “extermination” claim that I and others have expressed. Generally, my side says “Holocaust revisionism” and our enemies say “Holocaust denial”. I did not originate either term. I am willing to…

Butz and “Pop the Top”

On 1 May 1997 I read, in the Chicago Tribune, of a strange project in a junior high school in the small town of Mahomet, Illinois. A social studies teacher had given his students the task of collecting 6 million tabs from the tops of soda pop cans, in order to get “children to fully…

Media Madness

Media Madness will be the record of what I do to help create an open debate about the Jewish Holocaust story on university and college campuses, together with media reaction to this diabolical plan. In this context, media includes the print press on and off campus, electronic media on and off campus, and the Internet….

The Holocaust in Microcosm

A recent issue of TV Guide (Feb 22, 1997) featured a review of the film, Schindler's List by well-known movie reviewer, Gene Siskel. Siskel's article, entitled, Schindler's List: Cut, but no Commercials is a fine example on a small scale, of how the mystification surrounding the Holocaust story breeds confusion and self-delusion among adepts and…

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