Gas Chambers

The magic chemical slaughterhouses, in which millions are said to have been murdered, evade an exact, credible description to this day. Not a single blueprint of such a device capable of executing its gruesome task has ever been found, and no unequivocal document has ever been located hinting at their existence. The contributions listed here address the claims made about homicidal gas chambers. (See also the entries for the respective camps.)

Review: Israel Cymlich & Oskar Strawczynski, Escaping Hell in Treblinka, Yad Vashem, New York/Jerusalem 2007

By Thomas Kues- In this volume of the series “The Holocaust Survivors’ Memoirs Project”, historian David Silberklang presents the memoirs of the two Polish Jews Israel Cymlich and Oskar Strawczynski, dated respectively to June 1943 and the summer of 1944. Both memoirs are reproduced together with full facsimiles of the extant manuscripts (in Polish and…

Treblinka – More Bumblings from Bomba

Most of my readers are likely already familiar with the Treblinka eyewitness Abraham Bomba. In an article for The Revisionist, “Abraham Bomba, Barber of Treblinka” (Vol. 1, Issue 2, May 2003, pp. 170-176) Bradley Smith exposed Bomba's rather infantile mendacity as displayed in an interview made in Tel Aviv in 1979 for Claude Lanzmann's well-known…

An Enduring Symbol of Holocaust Evil or Holocaust Falsehood?

Christopher R. Browning, 2003. “Perpetrator Testimony: Another Look at Adolf Eichmann.” In : Christopher R. Browning, Collected Memories: Holocaust History and Postwar Testimony, The University of Wisconsin Press, Madison, Wisconsin, 2003. Introduction Christopher R. Browning is Frank Porter Graham Professor of History at the University of North Carolina—Chapel Hill. The author of numerous books and…

How to Escape from a Homicidal Gas Chamber – In an Even Easier Way

In Smith's Report #149 (April 2008) I published an article called “Experto Crede, or How to Escape from a Homicidal Gas Chamber”, devoted to a special category of Shoah survivors: those resourceful Jewish fellows who saw one of the fabled Nazi homicidal gas chambers from the inside, and then escaped from it to tell their…

Kola’s “Building E” at Sobibór – Addenda

In my previous posting on the recent excavations at the alleged extermination camp Sobibór I pointed out the incongruence between A. Kola's reported interpretations of findings made at the site and later claims made by among others the museal authorities in charge of the Sobibór memorial. I further examined various eyewitness statements regarding the "gas chambers"…

Kola’s “Building E” at Sobibór – Some Preliminary Observations

In an article of mine published last year (2008), I made the following remark on the apparent lack of documentation on Polish archeologist Andrzej Kola's excavations at the former site of the alleged "pure extermination camp" Sobibór ( «The most troublesome aspect of the 2001 excavation is the complete lack of publicly available documentation. Despite…

Christopher Browning and the “Nazi Gas Chambers” of Belzec

Christopher R. Browning is Frank Porter Graham Professor of History at the University of North Carolina—Chapel Hill. He was the Canadian government’s most important expert witness at the 1988 Holocaust trial in Toronto, where Ernst Zundel was prosecuted for allegedly publishing false news about the Jewish experience during WWII. He also testified as an expert…

Skin discoloration caused by carbon monoxide poisoning

1. Introduction According to orthodox Holocaust historiography, carbon monoxide from engine exhaust was used to kill approximately 2 million Jews in Poland, in Serbia and on occupied Soviet territory between 1941 and 1944. The majority of these supposed victims were allegedly killed in stationary gas chambers located in three “pure extermination camps” in the Polish…

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