
The Holocaust is supposed to have been the implementation of the “perfect crime” with modern technology invented by ingenious yet nefarious German technological minds: gas chambers, crematoria, gas vans, and other automatic execution devices. But the mere claim of technological perfection does not make this claim true. Here the various claimed techniques are subjected to a detailed scrutiny.

Critique of the Matt Cockerill vs. Thomas Dalton Debate, Part 4

Matt Cockerill and Thomas Dalton had a debate on the Holocaust which can be found at This article discusses Matt’s evidence for the existence of homicidal gas chambers at Auschwitz-Birkenau. It also discusses the cremation capacity at Auschwitz-Birkenau, as well as other evidence that Matt produces in this debate concerning Auschwitz-Birkenau.

Sachsenhausen Concentration Camp

The Sachsenhausen Concentration Camp, located not far from Berlin, plays a small but lucrative role in the orthodoxy's arsenal of re-educational tools. Wartime documents from the Sachsenhausen Camp make it possible to determine extremely precisely the camp’s occupancy as well as its inmate mortality during the war. The Sachsenhausen case reveals the methods of Soviet atrocity propaganda during the immediate postwar period.

The Seventh Gas Chamber of Majdanek

Seven homicidal gas chambers are said to have existed at the Majdanek Camp. At least, that was what the public has been told by Polish authorities between 1945 and the early 2000s. Six of these chambers have been well-described, and they had some "criminal traces" to give them at least a little credence. But the seventh of them, a room in the center of the camp's crematorium, never made any sense at all, and has been the laughing stock of open-minded observers for decades. In the meantime, the Majdanek Museum has admitted that this room (and four of the others) were not homicidal gas chambers after all. By going to the sources, this paper addresses the question how it could happen that a ludicrous claim such as this could have evolved in the first place.

The Case of Brushwood That Was Not Available

Exterminationists offer a wide variety of means by which millions of human cadavers, victims of the so-called Holocaust, are said to have been disposed of, ranging from stationary or portable crematoria to pyre burning, but the version currently offered by the Treblinka Museum on their website is perhaps the most-ludicrous of them all. The museum claims that 800,000 alleged victims were burned on grates made of rails, with brushwood as the source of energy. The brushwood necessary to fuel those pyres was allegedly collected in nearby forests, or was simply somehow miraculously available in sufficient quantities during the first half of 1943, when the claimed Treblinka victims are said to have been cremated. In this paper, the authors attempt to describe this operation, with strong emphasis on the logistics needed.

Preliminary Report of Archaeological Excavations in the Sobibór Extermination Center, 2015

On May 5, 2018, we downloaded this file from the website dedicated to then-ongoing research in the area of the former Sobibór Camp. It summarizes the results of forensic excavations conducted up to the fall of 2015. The file has since been removed, and the Wayback Machine has no copy of it either. Hence we re-post it on CODOH.

Preliminary Report of Archaeological Excavations in the Sobibór Extermination Center

On May 5, 2018, we downloaded this file from the website dedicated to then-ongoing research in the area of the former Sobibór Camp. It summarizes the results of forensic excavations conducted up to May 2014. The file has since been removed, and the Wayback Machine has no copy of it either. Hence we re-post it on CODOH.

The “Holocaust by Bullets”

The “Holocaust by bullets” is an increasingly popular theme among promoters of the Holocaust narrative. The allegation is that the Einsatzgruppen, with support from the German Army, undertook a mission to murder every Jew they could find in the Soviet Union. This article discusses the absurdity of this allegation.

Gas Chamber Lies

In this 21 minute video, Jim Rizoli talks at length about the "gas chambers" lie. Jim explains how Israel exploits the "gas chamber" lie to cover up its criminal activities. Jim explains how a French Professor, Robert Faurisson, was crucial in exposing the "gas chamber" lie, by asking to be shown a "gas chamber". Jim also…

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