
The Holocaust is supposed to have been the implementation of the “perfect crime” with modern technology invented by ingenious yet nefarious German technological minds: gas chambers, crematoria, gas vans, and other automatic execution devices. But the mere claim of technological perfection does not make this claim true. Here the various claimed techniques are subjected to a detailed scrutiny.

Kola’s “Building E” at Sobibór – Some Preliminary Observations

In an article of mine published last year (2008), I made the following remark on the apparent lack of documentation on Polish archeologist Andrzej Kola's excavations at the former site of the alleged "pure extermination camp" Sobibór ( «The most troublesome aspect of the 2001 excavation is the complete lack of publicly available documentation. Despite…

A brief note on Father Patrick Desbois

In the most recent issue (#161) of the revisionist newsletter Smith's Report (available online at, Stephen Gallant comments on a lecture held in New York by Father Patrick Desbois, the author of Holocaust by Bullets, a book praised by Elie Wiesel and other Shoah potentates. Desbois, a French catholic priest, has spent several years travelling…

Grave pit enlargement at Bełżec caused by soil movement?

Between 1997 and 1999, Polish archeologist Professor Andrzej Kola carried out select excavations and probe drills at the former site of the Bełżec camp in eastern Poland, where allegedly 434,501 Jews (434,508 Jews were deported to the camp according to the so-called Höfle telegram, whereof 7 reportedly survived) were gassed to death, buried, disinterred and…

Christopher Browning and the “Nazi Gas Chambers” of Belzec

Christopher R. Browning is Frank Porter Graham Professor of History at the University of North Carolina—Chapel Hill. He was the Canadian government’s most important expert witness at the 1988 Holocaust trial in Toronto, where Ernst Zundel was prosecuted for allegedly publishing false news about the Jewish experience during WWII. He also testified as an expert…

Skin discoloration caused by carbon monoxide poisoning

1. Introduction According to orthodox Holocaust historiography, carbon monoxide from engine exhaust was used to kill approximately 2 million Jews in Poland, in Serbia and on occupied Soviet territory between 1941 and 1944. The majority of these supposed victims were allegedly killed in stationary gas chambers located in three “pure extermination camps” in the Polish…

The Alleged First Gas Chamber Building at Sobibór

Introduction It is alleged in regard to all three Aktion Reinhardt camps “Belzec, Sobibór, Treblinka” that they each contained two buildings with homicidal gas chambers during their respective period of operation. At Belzec, we are told, the first gas chamber building “a wooden barrack containing three chambers” was torn down and replaced with a larger…

The Walls of Auschwitz

Three main chemical investigations have been performed concerning residual cyanide in the walls of alleged ‘gas chambers’ at Auschwitz: by Leuchter, Rudolf and by Markiewicz. Over the two decades since Leuchter first sampled, debates have raged concerning where the samples were taken from, whether it was really ‘historic’ brickwork, how porous the brickwork was to…

Leuchter Twenty Years On (2008)

Ask anyone in the UK who has heard of the Leuchter Report and you can be fairly sure they will tell you the same thing: it has been ‘discredited.’ But –“behold, O Dionysus,” as Nietzsche would have said, “I sing a new song”: there are two different references we need to fully unpack the meaning…

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