
To the impartial observer, a confession by an individual claimed to have assisted in the perpetration the Holocaust sounds very convincing, whereas a denial elicits only sneers. This section deals with persons who were on the side of the alleged perpetrators and who either confessed or denied – or sometimes both. What are these confessions or denials worth?

The Mechanics of Gassing

Among all those who make statements, speeches, or use sentences in which the expression “gas chamber” appears, how many of those people actually know what they are talking about? It has not taken me very long to realize that many people commit one of the most glaring errors. These people imagine a “gas chamber” as…

Auschwitz Notebook

Throughout all these years, the Exterminationists have continued to peddle the claim that there was a definite attempt by National Socialist Germany to exterminate all Jews and so they proffer the “Gerstein Statement” in support of their theory which popularly has been dubbed the “Holocaust.” The “Gerstein Statement” was supposedly written by Kurt Gerstein, a…

From the Records of the Frankfurt Auschwitz Trial, Part 8

On April 6, 1958, an arrest warrant was issued against Klaus Dylewski for his alleged involvment in the selection of inmates for gassings at Auschwitz (p. 988).[1] During his subsequent interrogation, Dylewski stated that, during his wartime presence at Auschwitz, he was responsible for issues dealing with escapes. According to him, escapes and attempts at…

From the Records of the Frankfurt Auschwitz Trial, Part 7

Internal Contradictions The statements of witness Erwin Valentin made during the pre-trial investigations leading to the Auschwitz trial contain some very telling contradictions. Valentin stated that in 1940 he was sent to the Jewish labor camp of Neutomischel (Warthegau) due to his non-Aryan (that is: Jewish) descent, where he, as a physician, took care of…

“No Holes, No Gas Chamber(s)”

When American expert for execution techniques Fredrick A. Leuchter presented his famous expert report on the gas chambers of Auschwitz and Majdanek to a Canadian court in 1988, he initially caused confusion: in his technical drawings of the morgues no. 1 of the crematoria II and III of Auschwitz-Birkenau, which allegedly served as “gas chambers,”…

Engineer’s Deathbed Confession: We Built Morgues, not Gas Chambers

Who is Walter Schreiber? Walter Schreiber was born in 1908 and died in 1999 at the age of 91 in Vienna. He studied civil engineering at the Technical University in Vienna and worked first on the construction of the alpine high altitude road "Großglockner-Hochalpenstraße" as assistant to the construction manager. After an extended period of…

Blue Women on the Beach

The May 2004 issue of The Revisionist contained an essay by Charles D. Provan entitled: “The Blue Color of the Jewish Victims at Belzec Death Camp – and Carbon Monoxide Poisoning“.[1] The focus of that essay is my contention that diesel gassings are practically impossible! The reason diesel gassings never happened is that the measures…

The Blue Color of the Jewish Victims at Belzec Death Camp – and Carbon Monoxide Poisoning

Editor's remark: The following paper challenges in a scholarly way statements repeatedly made by engineer Friedrich P. Berg. Even before the publication of Mr. Provan's paper, Mr. Berg was invited to write a paper addressing the issues raised in it, which was meant to be published right after Provan's challenge. Mr. Berg rejected the invitation…

From the Records of the Frankfurt Auschwitz Trial, Part 4

In late 1958 and early 1959, public prosecutor Weber of the Public Prosecutor's Office in Stuttgart, Germany, received a large number of witness statements, mainly consisting of accusations against Wilhelm Boger, who was already in custody at that time for crimes allegedly committed by him in the former concentration camp at Auschwitz.[1] Some of these…

Forced Confessions

The series of articles in this issue of The Revisionist addresses the question how it could be explained that many witnesses to the so-called 'Holocaust' testified about events that did not take place in the way described or not at all. From a psychological standpoint of trying to make the revisionist position understandable to Johnny…

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