
To the impartial observer, a testimony by an individual who belonged to a group allegedly targeted by the Nazis for extermination does not always sound absolutely convincing, but who would wish to insinuate that those who had such terrible experiences during the war are not telling the truth? In the eyes of the public, the Holocaust survivors have become sanctified, indubitable, and irreproachable. It is precisely in this respect that skepticism, criticism and scrutiny have become most important. This section deals with persons who were on the side of the alleged victims and who either confirmed or denied the claimed events – or sometimes both. What are these testimonies worth?

For the Benefit of Judy Cohen

Based upon all that has been written about her, a reasonable individual might best describe Judy Cohen as a 78 year old “Holocaust activist,” a mother of two, a feminist, a Zionist apologist and a survivor of two Nazi concentration camps: Auschwitz-Birkenau in the east, and Bergen-Belsen in the west. According to information obtained through…

An Unusual Case of the Runs

I recently had an opportunity to speak person to person with an Auschwitz survivor… allow me to relate the circumstances: I was sitting with my son at a table in a patio which is surrounded by various shops and restaurants in Los Angeles. There are also two escalators ascending and descending to and from the…

Trial of Otto Hoppe: perjuries by the dozen!!!

In Stade took place from March 6 until April 18, 1950, the trial of SS-Oberscharführer Otto Hoppe. 130 witnesses were marched in to accuse him. Hoppe was condemned for murder, attempted murder, manslaughter, attempted manslaughter, and wounding to a double life sentence plus 15 years. He lost all civil rights. Particularly aggravating was his “stubborn…

Convergence of Nonsense

Here are some of the constituents that make up the “convergence of evidence” which the Holocaust community offers as verifying the Holocaust story. W A R N I N G: The organization “Anti-Defamation League” (ADL) has declared it “anti-Semitic”/”hateful behavior” to disbelieve in any of these details alleged to have been committed by the German…

Can I Sell You a Testimony?

On Friday, 1 June, I was invited to attend a symposium at Loyola Marymount University Law School Campus in downtown Los Angeles. Arriving early with two companions, gave us a welcome opportunity to explore the campus. To my surprise, there was neither a crucifix nor any other religious symbol on the exterior of the building…

The so-called “Holocaust” – Theatre of the Absurd

Beware! If you dare to question anything on this list, be prepared to accept the consequences….you will be imprisoned in many countries. Mass graves expelling geysers of blood;[1] Acid or boiling-water baths to produce human skeletons;[2] Injections into the eyes of inmates to change their eye color;[3] Production of shrunken heads from bodies of inmates;[4]…

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