Holocaust + Final Solution

When Nazi Germany invaded Russia in summer of 1941, a “comprehensive” or “final solution” to the Jewish question was envisioned by Germany’s leaders. But what was this “final solution”? Was it a plan to deport the Jews into the “Russian swamps,” as Hitler had once stated, or was it a plan to systematically kill them all? The extant documents are quite clear about it, yet they contradict what a plethora of witnesses have stated. This question divides the two sides in this debate (notwithstanding one side insisting that there is no debate). The topic is huge in scope and scale – and it is the main focus of this website

A New Affirmationist Study on Auschwitz

(As a celebration of the 65th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz and the International Holocaust Remembrance Day, the Incovenient History revisionist blog is proud to post a presentation of Carlo Mattogno's new massive study on the alleged homicidal gas chambers of Auschwitz-Birkenau, written by its author. Translated from the Italian by Thomas Kues) By…

Holocaust Scholar Finds “Fifth Diamond” to Be a Work of Fiction

by Carolyn Yeager Joachim Neander, PhD, an independent scholar from Cracow, Poland, examines Irene Weisberg Zisblatt’s holocaust survivor narrative and concludes it is “not in accordance with the historically established facts,” is “exaggerated,” “implausible” and not true overall. Neander has contributed to publications in Poland, Germany, Israel and the USA. In 2001-02 he had a…

The Fifth Diamond: A Special Jewel in the Genre of Holocaust Horror Stories, part 5 (of 5)

Irene Weisberg Zisblatt writes of swallowing the same diamonds over and over again for a year in order to save all she has left of her family. What else does she say—and why is it not believable? Apophenia: the phenomenon of seeing things that aren't there. People will see, and believe, what they expect to…

The Fifth Diamond: A Special Jewel in the Genre of Holocaust Horror Stories, part 4 (of 5)

Irene Weisberg Zisblatt writes of swallowing the same diamonds over and over again for a year in order to save all she has left of her family. What else does she say—and why is it not believable? Apophenia: the phenomenon of seeing things that aren't there. People will see, and believe, what they expect to…

The Fifth Diamond: A Special Jewel in the Genre of Holocaust Horror Stories, part 3 (of 5)

Irene Weisberg Zisblatt writes of swallowing the same diamonds over and over again for a year in order to save all she has left of her family. What else does she say—and why is it not believable? Apophenia: the phenomenon of seeing things that aren't there. People will see, and believe, what they expect to…

The Fifth Diamond: A Special Jewel in the Genre of Holocaust Horror Stories, part 2 (of 5)

Irene Weisberg Zisblatt writes of swallowing the same diamonds over and over again for a year in order to save all she has left of her family. What else does she say—and why is it not believable? Apophenia: the phenomenon of seeing things that aren't there. People will see, and believe, what they expect to…

The Fifth Diamond: A Special Jewel in the Genre of Holocaust Horror Stories, part 1 (of 5)

The Incovenient History revisionist blog is proud to present a guest posting in the form of five-part article on self-styled Auschwitz survivor Irene Zisblatt. Our guest blogger is Carolyn Yeager, known as a frequent contributor to The Barnes Review. Irene Weisberg Zisblatt writes of swallowing the same diamonds over and over again for a year…

Stangl claimed Bormann to be alive in Paraguay

A small bit of memory-holed history, lifted from The Milwaukee Journal, Thursday July 20, 1967, p. 2: “Hitler's Deputy Living in Brazil, Nazi Says Observer News Service Vienna, Austria – Nazi war criminal Franz Stangl, now being interrogated in West Germany, has reported that Martin Bormann – Hitler's deputy – is still alive.Stangl, extradited from…

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