Holocaust + Final Solution

When Nazi Germany invaded Russia in summer of 1941, a “comprehensive” or “final solution” to the Jewish question was envisioned by Germany’s leaders. But what was this “final solution”? Was it a plan to deport the Jews into the “Russian swamps,” as Hitler had once stated, or was it a plan to systematically kill them all? The extant documents are quite clear about it, yet they contradict what a plethora of witnesses have stated. This question divides the two sides in this debate (notwithstanding one side insisting that there is no debate). The topic is huge in scope and scale – and it is the main focus of this website

From Athens to Auschwitz

Errikos Sevillias, Athens – Auschwitz, Lycabettus Press, Athens, 1983; Αθήνα – Άουσβιτς, Vivliopōleion tēs “Hestias,” Athens, 1995. Are our readers ready to look into yet another testimony? Sit back and relax. Tonight’s guest of honor is Errikos Sevillias. So let’s go. Sevillias was deported from Athens to Auschwitz and then Birkenau in 1944 at the…

Memories of a Thessalonian Jewess

Erika Kounio-Amarilio, 50 χρόνια μετά: Αναμνήσεις μιας Θεσσαλονικιώτισσας εβραίας (50 khronia meta: Anamneseis mias Thessalonikiotissas Hebraias, translating to 50 Years Later: Memories of a Thessalonian Jewess), Parateretes, Thessaloniki 1996/Ianos, Thessaloniki, 2006. Erika Kounio was the editor of the book Oral Testimonies of the Jews from Thessaloniki about the Holocaust examined in an earlier article.[1] As…

The Violinist

Jacques Stroumsa, Geiger in Auschwitz: ein jüdisches Überlebensschicksal aus Saloniki, 1941-1967, Hartung-Gorre, Konstanz, 1993; Violinist in Auschwitz: from Salonica to Jerusalem, 1913-1967, ibid., 1996; Διαλεξα τη ζωη: Απο τη Θεσσαλονικη στο Αουσβιτς, Parateretés, Thessaloniki 1997. Do you ever go to concerts? Meet Jacob (Jacques) Stroumsa, the violinist of Auschwitz. Stroumsa was an electrical engineer and…

How the Standard Holocaust Narrative Got off the Ground

Commandant in Auschwitz: Rudolf Höss, His Torture and His Forced Confessions. Carlo Mattogno and Rudolf Höss, English translation by Germar Rudolf. Castle Hill Publishers, Uckfield, UK, Nov. 2017; trade paperback, 402 pages, 6″×9″, bibliography, index, ISBN: 9781591481911.. Hellishly flaming crematoria. Lines of doomed Jews trudging through the snow from cattle cars. Heartless selektions. Gas chambers!…

Auschwitz: A Three-Quarter Century of Propaganda

Abstract During the war, wild rumors were circulating about the infamous Auschwitz Camp: that the Germans were testing new war gases there; that inmates were murdered in batches of thousands in electrocution chambers, with gas showers, or by pneumatic hammer systems; that living people were sent on conveyor belts directly into cremation furnaces; that oils,…

Memorabilia: The Holocaust as Political Weapon against the Germans

Horst Mahler talks about the usage of the Holocaust not only as a historical event but as blackmailing weapon against the German People  and quite a brainwashing machine for the rest of the world. Horst (born 23 January 1936) was a left wing political activist. He founded the Red Army Faction, which undertook a number…

Telling Stories to Stay Alive: Rudolf Höss vs. Scheherazade

Carlo Mattogno and Rudolf Höss, Commandant in Auschwitz: Rudolf Höss, His Torture and His Forced Confessions. English translation by Germar Rudolf. Castle Hill Publishers, Uckfield, UK, Nov. 2017; trade paperback, 402 pages, 6″×9″, bibliography, index, ISBN: 9781591481911. After his capture on March 11, 1946 by British occupation troops, Rudolf Höss stayed alive for 401 days…

Memorabilia: The Holocaust—Made in Russia

It is known of the revisionist world that Russia was key to fabricate so called evidence for the "Holocaust". Watch this interesting documentary. By Carlos W. Porter. Carlos, a professional interpreter wrote this book to show that the Holocau$t is virtually of Communist origin. In this incredible video (One hour 51 minutes) Carlos talks through…

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