Holocaust + Final Solution

When Nazi Germany invaded Russia in summer of 1941, a “comprehensive” or “final solution” to the Jewish question was envisioned by Germany’s leaders. But what was this “final solution”? Was it a plan to deport the Jews into the “Russian swamps,” as Hitler had once stated, or was it a plan to systematically kill them all? The extant documents are quite clear about it, yet they contradict what a plethora of witnesses have stated. This question divides the two sides in this debate (notwithstanding one side insisting that there is no debate). The topic is huge in scope and scale – and it is the main focus of this website

The Revisionists’ Total Victory on the Historical and Scientific Level

In France and in the rest of the world, historians and specialists of the “Holocaust” no longer know what to answer to the revisionists’ arguments. And to speak only of my own case, which has been going on since 1978 (that is, for some thirty-seven years), never has my country’s justice system, despite the tireless…

How the Allies Launched the Holocaust at Casablanca in 1943

Searching for “the moment the Holocaust began” is quite as pointless as the never-ending search for “the missing link” in the evolution of homo sapiens.  Analyses of the event(s), however the events are constituted, often go back to ancient intergroup enmities and exploitations as far back as the Middle Ages. Others focus on misrepresented, but…

Air Photo Evidence

Your browser does not support the video tag, but you can download the video here. During World War Two both German and Allied reconnaissance aircraft took countless air photos of places of tactical and strategic interest in Europe. These photos are prime evidence for the investigation of the Holocaust. Air photos of locations like Auschwitz,…

Curated Lies

Your browser does not support the video tag, but you can download the video here. Since the early 1990s, revisionist historians have published an increasing amount of research about the infamous German facility at Ausch­witz in what is now Poland. This research surpasses the work of the Auschwitz Museum’s own research department in both quantity…

Healthcare at Auschwitz

Your browser does not support the video tag, but you can download the video here. The famous Italian Holocaust survivor Primo Levi informed us in his eyewitness account Survival in Auschwitz that a number of sickbays and infirmaries etc. existed in the area of the Auschwitz camp. The present book gives an overview of the…

Inside the Gas Chambers

Since the early 1990s, critical historians have published a steadily growing number of carefully investigated studies on the so-called “Holocaust.” Hence the orthodox historians, usually paid by the government, were compelled to do something against the rising tide of revisionist arguments. Therefore, after a conference had been held in Germany to discuss the matter, an…

The Cremation Furnaces of Auschwitz

Few objects of utter evil have inspired human imagination more than the ominous gas ovens of Auschwitz. Auschwitz is the epicenter of the Holocaust, the baseline of absolute evil. Here is where millions are said to have been murdered and obliterated in the gas ovens by the Nazis. But that’s where the problem begins, because…

The Best Form of Defence Is Attack

A fatal flaw is the counter-revolutionary’s lack of strategy. Truth-sleuths react only to the strategies of others. The holocaust myth makers set the agenda and they set the rules; we obediently play their game. Not once do I recall the holocaust investigators putting holocaust hucksters on the defensive by forcing them to deny the undeniable….

Denial: To the Victor Go the Spoils

The movie proving the Holocaust, in a court of law, hit the big screen on September 30, misrepresenting the 2000 libel suit brought by David Irving against Deborah Lipstadt, author of a book, Denying History, in which she accused Irving of many things he had not done, including, most-notably, Holocaust Denial. Irving, of course, lost,…

Behind the Scenes

Jimmy Durante famously complained, Everybody wants ta get inta da act! And we have Kenneth Stern writing about his "behind the scenes" experiences with the Irving v. Penguin Trial, in the guise of a movie review. http://www.jewishjournal.com/hollywood/article/my_behind_the_scenes_denial_story In a nutshell, Stern feels that Denial is God's gift to the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences for 2016. Stern's modest prose…

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