Holocaust + Final Solution

When Nazi Germany invaded Russia in summer of 1941, a “comprehensive” or “final solution” to the Jewish question was envisioned by Germany’s leaders. But what was this “final solution”? Was it a plan to deport the Jews into the “Russian swamps,” as Hitler had once stated, or was it a plan to systematically kill them all? The extant documents are quite clear about it, yet they contradict what a plethora of witnesses have stated. This question divides the two sides in this debate (notwithstanding one side insisting that there is no debate). The topic is huge in scope and scale – and it is the main focus of this website

The Faurisson / Cole Affair

This one has grown increasingly complicated for me and is now something of a small catastrophe. From what I gather, I’ve failed Henri Roques, I’ve failed Robert Faurisson, and now I've failed David Cole. That of course is in addition to Willis and Elizabeth and all those who are rooting for them. Roques and I…

Henri Roques answers David Cole

Henri ROQUES 90, rue Moslard 92700 COLOMBES 12 February, 1995 FAX to Bradley SMITHC/o I.H.R. FOR PUBLICATION Dear Mr Smith, I read «Another David Cole Adventure in Europe» and also noticed your advertisement: “NEW. David Cole tells it all to you about his eventful October 1994 trip to Europe in search of the physical evidence…

Unfinished Business

Re two unfinished items from Smith's Report: Robert Faurisson has decided to not reply, for the time being in any event, to David Cole's elaborate response to Faurisson's brief letter regarding the necessity for further discussion of the Struthof “gas chamber,” both of which I ran in SR21. At the same time, I was to…

What I Believe, What I Don't, and Why

I understand perfectly well that the Hitlerian regime was antisemitic and persecuted Jews and others. I understand that many peoples, European Jews among them, experienced unfathomable tragedies at the hands of the Allied and Axis powers during World War II. Nevertheless, I no longer believe the German State pursued a plan to kill all Jews…

David Cole’s 46 Unanswered Questions about the Gas Chambers

David has spent the best part of four years studying the physical evidence for the gassing chambers. That effort, together with a real need on the part of revisionists and mainstream historians as well, informed both his trips to Europe. Now he has worked out a series of questions (not assertions) about that physical evidence….

SALON: A Journal of Aesthetics

SALON is a small independent periodical published out of Fort Collins, Colorado. It's edited by a very independent and thoughtful lady named Pat Hartman. Each issue is devoted to one theme. One day recently out of the blue, I received issue #22 of SALON by post. Its theme is Freedom of Expression, and most of…


“Revising the Twentieth Century” by John Lukacs appeared in the September 1994 issue of American Heritage. It discusses four waves of revisionism occurring during the century, the most recent coming from the “so-called right” and beginning in the mid-1980s in Germany. The “main figures have been German professional historians who, while unwilling to whitewash Hitler…

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