Holocaust + Final Solution

When Nazi Germany invaded Russia in summer of 1941, a “comprehensive” or “final solution” to the Jewish question was envisioned by Germany’s leaders. But what was this “final solution”? Was it a plan to deport the Jews into the “Russian swamps,” as Hitler had once stated, or was it a plan to systematically kill them all? The extant documents are quite clear about it, yet they contradict what a plethora of witnesses have stated. This question divides the two sides in this debate (notwithstanding one side insisting that there is no debate). The topic is huge in scope and scale – and it is the main focus of this website

The Six Million Fact or Fiction (TSMFOF) SERIES Chap 9-10 Peter Winter (53:46 min)

The Six Million Fact or Fiction (TSMFOF) SERIES Chap 9-10 Peter Winter. Veteran battler against the "Holocau$t" atrocity lie, Jim Rizoli continues his review of Peter Winter's amazing book. Here (53 minutes) he looks at Chapter 9 & 10. Section 46 talks about the alleged "Extermination" camps. Jim points out they were all captured by the…

Holohoax Tales Nazis Climbed Chairs and Threw Zyklon B Through the Windows (1:12 min)

One of the things that one must remember about the "Holocau$t" is that it is just nonsense, it's just LUNATIC propaganda. Here, a Jew who claims to be a witness [LOL – more like witless!]  who worked with the SS [!], claims he had to keep silent [LOL!] while his fellow Jews were being "gassed" [LOL!]. The SS…

The Great Holocaust Debate Jim vs. Alex Mann Quora Aug 30 2021 (1:32:17)

Jim Rizoli, an active individual in exposing the "Holocaust" atrocity lie, takes on Alex Mann, an individual, promoting the"Holoco$t" atrocity lie in this (one hour 32 minutes) video. Mann firstly objects (!) to being called a Jew, by Jim. Jim points out that it was another Jew (Mike Sims) who named Mann as a "co-religionist". Jim…

The Case of Brushwood That Was Not Available

Exterminationists offer a wide variety of means by which millions of human cadavers, victims of the so-called Holocaust, are said to have been disposed of, ranging from stationary or portable crematoria to pyre burning, but the version currently offered by the Treblinka Museum on their website is perhaps the most-ludicrous of them all. The museum claims that 800,000 alleged victims were burned on grates made of rails, with brushwood as the source of energy. The brushwood necessary to fuel those pyres was allegedly collected in nearby forests, or was simply somehow miraculously available in sufficient quantities during the first half of 1943, when the claimed Treblinka victims are said to have been cremated. In this paper, the authors attempt to describe this operation, with strong emphasis on the logistics needed.

Peter Longerich on the “Holocaust”

German historian Dr. Peter Longerich is regarded by many as one of the leading authorities on the "Holocaust." Longerich was hired as an expert defense witness in David Irving’s libel suit against Deborah Lipstadt and her publisher Penguin Books. He prepared two reports for this civil action. Longerich later wrote books expanding on his research for this trial. This article discusses some of the weaknesses of Longerich’s research regarding the so-called Holocaust.

Holohoax Tales Escaped the Last Train to Auschwitz by Laying on a Stretcher (4:29 min)

Holohoax Tales Escaped the Last Train to Auschwitz by Laying on a Stretcher. After the end of the war against Germany, Jews had to explain that in this mass "gassing" genocide organised by the most efficient people on Earth, that they had survived. Here, another yarn….

Auschwitz Swimming Pool and Other Testimony (13:46 min)

Auschwitz Swimming Pool and Other Testimony. In this (13 minute) video, we look at the Swimming Pool at Auschwitz main camp. The camp was a "death" camp according to the "Holocau$t" atrocity liars where thousands of Jews were "gassed" and then cremated. The video also looks at the accounts of Jews talking about the various facilities…

What Do Holocaust Deniers Believe (15:20 min)

What Do Holocaust Deniers Believe. Jim Rizoli of Rizolitv.com explains what "Holocaust deniers" believe in this (15 minute) video. Jim explains that "denier" is a label given to those who expose the "holocau$t" as atrocity propaganda, by those attempting to maintain the rotting edifice of the"Holocau$t" from the truth. Jim says that misleading propaganda is…

John Wears Article Did German Homicidal Gas Chambers Exist (30:56 min)

John Wears Article Did German Homicidal Gas Chambers Exist. Jim Rizoli in this (30 minute) video presents John Wear's did "Gas Chambers" exist. John points out the International Military Court at Nuremberg produced no autopsy or scientific reports to prove "gas chambers", only witness "testimony". John shows that a execution engineer investgated the "gas chambers" on…

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