Jewish Power + Influence

How influential are Jewish pressure groups and individuals in the world, in western nations, and specifically in the U.S.? Is this influence too great or too small? Is it beneficial or detrimental? Far from providing a ready answer, CODOH offers the views of others for contemplation.

An Empire of Their Own: How the Jews Invented Hollywood

An Empire of Their Own: How the Jews Invented Hollywood by Neal Gabler. New York: Crown Publishers, Inc., 1988. Hardcover, 502 pp., illustrated, $24.95, ISBN 0-51746808-X. Much of An Empire of Their Own reads like a press agent release for the stereotypical Hollywood movie producer. Having originally subtitled his book How Zukor, Laemmle, Fox, Cohn…

Deborah Lipstadt and the Double Standards That Surround Questioning the “Holocaust”

Professor Deborah LipstadtEmory UniversityAtlanta, Georgia[email protected] October 16, 2012 Ms. Lipstadt: I have a legitimate reason to contact you. Since you are generally considered a renowned scholar of the Jewish Holocaust, I would very much like to hear your commentary on the following matter. After all, this information will pertain to my forthcoming critiques of your…

New Documents Raise New Doubts as to Simon Wiesenthal’s War Years

The Institute for Historical Review has recently received copies of a transcript of a sworn interrogation of Simon Wiesenthal, which was conducted in 1948. The copies, certified as “true and correct,” were obtained from the National Archives in Washington, D.C. To our knowledge this transcript has never been published or cited, in whole or in…

Hollywood Goes to War

Hollywood Goes to War: How Politics, Profits and Propaganda Shaped World War II Movies by Clayton R. Koppes and Gregory D. Black. New York: Free Press/Macmillan, 1987, x + 374 pages, illustrated, $22.50, ISBN 0-02-903550-3. Propaganda may be defined as the attempt to manipulate public opinion for the purpose of helping or injuring a particular…

Taking Sides: America’s Secret Relations with a Militant Israel

Taking Sides: America's Secret Relations with a Militant Israel, by Stephen Green. New York: William Morrow and Co., 1984. This excellent, heavily-documented and footnoted book should indeed, as the blurb on the inside dust-jacket promises, “cause major reassessments in the published literature in this field, at least as far as mainstream sources are concerned.” Mr….


Waldheim, by Luc Rosenzweig and Bernard Cohen. New York: Adama Books, 1987, 183 pp., $17.95, ISBN: 1-55774-010-0. Waldheim is the first book in English to deal with the controversy surrounding Austria's current President. It has much that is thought-provoking, but, unfortunately, it contains too many errors to justify any pretensions it may have to credibility….

Maus: A Survivor’s Tale

Maus: A Survivor's Tale by Art Spiegelman. New York: Pantheon Books, 1986, 160 pp., $8.95 The publisher of Maus directs libraries to shelve the book under “Holocaust/Autobiography,” and indeed, although it is a comic strip featuring white mice as Jews, pigs as Poles, cats as Nazis, and wartime Europe as a gigantic mousetrap, Maus is…

Millions Go Into New Museums: National Holocaust Museum to Cost $100 Million

The campaign for the “U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum” in Washington D.C., has moved into high gear, says national director David Weinstein. More than $13 million in gifts and pledges for the museum center have already been received, he reports, and the campaign is receiving “support from all sectors of American life, which should enable construction…

Behind the Balfour Declaration: Britain’s Great War Pledge To Lord Rothschild. The Meaning for Us

Acknowledgements To Benjamin H. Freedman, who committed himself to finding and telling the facts about Zionism and Communism. and encouraged others to do the some. The son of one of the founders of the American Jewish Committee, which for many years was anti-Zionist, Ben Freedman founded the League for Peace with Justice in Palestine in…

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