Jewish Religion

CODOH does not seek to become a major discussion forum for aspects of Jewish religion. Therefore, we will offer only a few contributions here dealing with aspects of the Jewish religion which might be of interest in the context of the Holocaust, its revisionism, and the suppression of the latter.

When Is a Tree Not a Tree?

This piece illustrates something with startling clarity, a something that is often lost in the vulgar and vicious rhetoric which any hint of holocaust revisionism seems to attract. Which is that the attackers aren't just being nasty, they are responding as any human might if their cultural legacy were one of more than 2,000 years…

The Torah True Jews have no part in the affair against the Swiss

According to the Torah, we must declare that the true Jews are opposed to these rebelling acts: requests from, investigations of, accusations and claims against Switzerland (banks, government, institutions) or any nation. We will not take any money or assets resulting therefrom. For sure we are opposed to the boycott threats, coercive tactics, insults and…

Swindler’s Mist: Spielberg’s Fraud in Schindler’s List

Hollywood illusionist Steven Spielberg's mendacious anti-German libel, Schindler's List, is based upon a novel, that is to say, a work of fiction, titled in its first edition, Schindler's Ark, by the Australian writer Thomas Keneally (the book's name was later altered to coincide with the title of the movie). Keneally's work is riddled with errors….

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