
Revisionism is not about Jews or the Jewish religion. It just happens to deal with an aspect of history in which Jews play a major role. Hence it is inevitable that Jewish topics are raised on occasion, and we aren’t going to avoid them here either.

The Holocaust Religion Will Be the Conclusive Stage in the Jewish Dialectic

Gilad Atzmon Rather than inventing an abstract God who prefers the Jews to be the chosen people, in the holocaust religion the Jews cut out the divine middle substance. The Jew just chooses oneself. This is why Jewish identity politics transcends itself beyond the notion of history. God is the master of ceremony. And the…

News and Notes

For some years now I have been writing a special cover letter to go with the December issue of this Report. Needing a little shove to get going I was searching for cover letters I wrote here for Christmas in 2004 and hopefully in 1994. Or there about. It could be interesting. As it turned…

Open Letter to Senator Dianne Feinstein

Some of it Happened, Some of it Didn't CODOH Committee for Open Debate On the Holocaust Senator Dianne Feinstein331 Hart Senate Office Bldg.Washington, D.C. 20510Phone: (202) 224-3841 14 November 2014 Dear Senator: I am writing to ask you to oppose the so-called "The ‘Nazi’ Social Security Benefits Termination Act," the bill that strips Social Security…

Roots of Present World Conflict

This paper contends that the present so-called “conflict of civilizations,” or “war on terrorism,” and the Arab-Israeli conflict have their origins in the covert machinations of the Great War that betrayed the Arabs, prolonged the war, and established a pestilential organism at the center of the Islamic world that will seemingly forever be a cause…

The Case of Gregory Chelli (alias Ulcan, alias ViolVocal)

Residing, it seems, at times in his native Paris, at other times somewhere in Romania and sometimes in Israel, precisely at Ashdod, right beside the Gaza Strip, the thirty-year-old French-Israeli Gregory Chelli, member of the Jewish Defense League, works, notably by means of the Internet, at making the life of men and women whom he…

Jewish Loyalty to Israel and “Holocaust Denial” in the Minds of Non-Jews

I In May of 2014, the highly influential Jewish-Zionist organization, the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) published their widely publicized and acclaimed, world-wide “survey on Anti-Semitism.” Many of the world’s important news outlets published a story about it, and when this writer carried out a Google Search for “ADL Global 100: An Index of Anti-Semitism,” 385,000 results…

Palestinian Professor’s Trip to Auschwitz Sparks Needed Debate

When Mohammed Dajani Daoudi, a Palestinian professor at Al-Quds University in occupied Jerusalem, organized a trip for his students to visit several former Nazi concentration camps, he sparked an important debate. Unfortunately, the debate has been one-sided focusing on Arab denial of the Holocaust while ignoring Israel's denial of its oppression of Palestinian rights. The…

Oliver Stone: Jewish Control of the Media Is Preventing Free Holocaust Debate

Jul. 26, 2010 | 9:48 AMhttp://tinyurl.com/2cjy7ub Outspoken Hollywood director says new film aims to put Adolf Hitler, who he has called an 'easy scapegoat' in the past, in his due historical context.http://tinyurl.com/2cjy7ub Jewish control of the media is preventing an open discussion of the Holocaust, prominent Hollywood director Oliver Stone told the Sunday Times, adding…

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