
Revisionism is not about Jews or the Jewish religion. It just happens to deal with an aspect of history in which Jews play a major role. Hence it is inevitable that Jewish topics are raised on occasion, and we aren’t going to avoid them here either.

Our Mission and the New War

After an imperial century abroad, America has suffered, on its home soil, an attack on its citizens unprecedented in its history. As so often in the past six decades, whether at Dresden or Hiroshima, Beirut or Baghdad, terror came from the sky. At this writing, the United States is once again waging an undeclared war…

Learning from the September 11 Attacks

IHR director Mark Weber’s response to the events of September 11, circulated via the Internet, has elicited more response, nearly all of it favorable, than any other such writing in the history of the Institute for Historical Review. To date “Learning from the September 11 Attacks” has resulted in three hour-long guest appearances on U.S….

Oblivion in the Land of Memory

Idyllic aerial photo of the site of the Mediterranean fishing village of Tantura (viewable in color at http://ns1.palestineremembered.com/Haifa/al-Tantura/Picture3150.html). Inhabited for an estimated four thousand years, Tantura's environs contain Canaanite, Greek, and Crusader antiquities, and shipwrecks from Roman and Byzantine times dot its lagoon. In 1948 Israeli army troops killed 250 unarmed Palestinians there, then drove…

In the Name of the Holocaust

Between the Alps and a Hard Place: Switzerland in World War II and Moral Blackmail Today by Angelo Codevilla. Washington, DC: Regnery, 2000. Hardcover. $27. 263pp. Index. Daniel W. Michaels is a Columbia University graduate (Phi Beta Kappa, 1954), and a former Fulbright exchange student to Germany (1957). He is retired from the US Department…

Making Room for the Revisionists

The Holocaust in American Life by Peter Novick. Boston, New York: Houghton Mifflin, 1999. Hardcover. 373 pages. $27.00. Index, source references. The Holocaust Industry: Reflections on the Exploitation of Jewish Suffering by Norman Finkelstein. London, New York: Verso, 2000. Hardcover. 150 pages. Index. Samuel Crowell is the pen name of an American writer who describes…

Report of Israeli Eavesdropping on White House Telephones Gets Varying Media Treatment

Richard H. Curtiss is executive editor of The Washington Report from Middle East Affairs (P.O. Box 53062, Washington, DC 20009). When he retired from the US foreign service, Curtiss was chief inspector of the US Information Agency. He is also the author of A Changing Image: American Perspectives of the Arab-Israeli Dispute and Stealth PACs:…

God Yes, Holocaust No

Doug Collins, an award-winning Canadian journalist and author of several books, served with the British army during the Second World War. For 14 years, he wrote a popular column for the North Shore News of North Vancouver, British Columbia. His addressed the Tenth IHR Conference (1990). This column, distributed on-line, is dated September 26, 2000….

United States Aid to Israel Now Exceeds $90 Billion

Richard H. Curtiss is executive editor of The Washington Report from Middle East Affairs (P.O. Box 53062, Washington, DC 20009). When he retired from the US foreign service, he was chiefinspector of the US Information Agency. Curtiss is also the author of A Changing Image: American Perspectives of the Arab-Israeli Dispute and Stealth PACs: Lobbying…

On Prejudice, the “Jewish Question,” and Communism’s Legacy

Joseph Sobran Joseph Sobran is an author, lecturer and nationally syndicated columnist. For 21 years he wrote for National Review magazine, including 18 years as a senior editor. He is editor of the monthly newsletter Sobran's (P.O. Box 1383, Vienna, VA 22183. To order call 1-800-493-3348 or e-mail [email protected].) He also writes the regular “Washington…

From Its Beginning, Israeli Policy Promoted War, Not Peace

In May 14, 1948, Britain ended its mandate over Palestine and Jews declared the establishment of Israel. General Sir Alan Cunningham, the British High Commissioner in Palestine, felt on his departure an “overwhelming sadness … Thirty years and we achieved nearly nothing.”[1] Donald Neff Donald Neff has written several books on US-Middle East relations, including…

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