
Revisionism is not about Jews or the Jewish religion. It just happens to deal with an aspect of history in which Jews play a major role. Hence it is inevitable that Jewish topics are raised on occasion, and we aren’t going to avoid them here either.

Karl Marx: Anti-Semite

Karl Marx was not only Jewish, he was descended from an established rabbinical family. His father had abandoned the practice of Judaism in order to function more freely in and with the newly established Prussian state, and in order to attract more clients to his law practice. Biographers do agree that age-old Jewish traditions continued…

Memorandum to the President

A 13 March 1981 introductory letter and memorandum to President Ronald Reagan, submitted by the U.S. representative of The Arab Higher Committee for Palestine. Dear Mr. President: I have always admired you, Mr. President, as a nationalist who is determined to restore the United States to its position of respect and leadership of the Free…

By Blood and Fire

By Blood and Fire, by Thurston Clarke, G.P.Putnam's Sons, Ilb, $12.95. In these days of erotic fiction and strange “documentaries” on the market, it is rewarding to read an excellent non-fiction book on a little known subject that hasn't been widely documented. By Blood and Fire is virtually a scenario of one of the most…

Who Are the Palestinians?

Since Mr. Hadawi's paper was prepared for the IHR's 1982 Chicago conference, much of a one-sided and devastating nature has transpired in the Middle East. Particularly, the world witnessed with mounting horror the massive invasion of Lebanon carried out by Israeli “Defense” Forces allegedly in response to one of their own being slain elsewhere. But…

A Legacy of Hate

A Legacy of Hate: Anti-Semitism in America, by Ernest Volknian, Franklin Watts, 358pp, $16.95, ISBN 0-531-09863X “Some people go around smelling after anti-Semitism all the time,” wrote George Orwell in a letter to a friend. Orwell then opined that, “More rubbish is written about this subject than any other I can think of.” Ernest Volkman…

Zionism & American Jews

It had been a nasty, rainy night when an elderly, affluent Hartford couple made their way from their home to a meeting. As their car slowly turned left at the entrance to the Jewish Community Center, another automobile raced out of the fog and rammed into them. My cousin, whose countless civil and philanthropic deeds…

Nazis and Arab Nationalists Can Speak the Truth – Jeffrey Herf Can Distort Reality

By Paul Grubach- Preface: Professor Jeffrey Herf is a widely acclaimed Holocaust historian and academic authority on National Socialist Germany and its relationship with the Arab/Muslim world.  Unfortunately, his books suffer from the same fallacies and spurious arguments that plague much of the pro-Zionist literature that is put out by mainstream, establishment sources on this…

A second open letter to Deborah Lipstadt: Does the World’s Most Prominent Opponent of “Holocaust Denial” Harbor a Hypocritical Double Standard on “Racist Nationalism?”

By Paul Grubach To: [email protected]Date: Thursday, October 18, 2012, 12:13 AM Re: Does the World's Most Prominent Opponent of “Holocaust Denial” Harbor a Hypocritical Double Standard on “Racist Nationalism?” Ms. Lipstadt: As you may know, I am planning to write another critique of your writings for Inconvenient History (www.inconvenienthistory.com).  In the interests of fairness and…

Genocide In The Holy Land

Genocide in the Holy Land by Rabbi Moshe Schonfeld is a worthy sequel to the same author's The Holocaust Victims Accuse. Rabbi Schonfeld presents a documented account of the destruction by the Zionists of Middle Eastern and North African Jewry. Although the book focuses on the plight of Yemenite Jews, there is also considerable material…

Palestine: Liberty and Justice

For thirty years the conflict raging in the Middle East between Arabs and Israelis has been viewed on tribal partisan grounds. You were either pro-Israel or anti-Israel, and in the latter case, anti-Israel was assumed to be a thin camouflage for “anti-Semitic.” With the onset of the 1970s and thanks to the “New” Left, one…

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