
Revisionism is not about Jews or the Jewish religion. It just happens to deal with an aspect of history in which Jews play a major role. Hence it is inevitable that Jewish topics are raised on occasion, and we aren’t going to avoid them here either.

Revisionist Notebook

Boneheads at Auschwitz Museum Admit to Faking “Original State” of Auschwitz Gas Chamber. For the best part of half a century the official guides who work at the Auschwitz Museum have told visitors from around the world that the “gas chamber” at Auschwitz I is in its “original state.” That's the one everyone visits. No…

The War on Iraq: Conceived in Israel

In a lengthy article in The American Conservative criticizing the rationale for the projected U.S. attack on Iraq, the veteran diplomatic historian Paul W. Schroeder noted (only in passing) “what is possibly the unacknowledged real reason and motive behind the policy-security for Israel.” If Israel's security were indeed the real American motive for war, Schroeder…

How German and American Money is Spent in Israel

It ought to be general knowledge that Israel can survive only because it receives massive funding mainly from two nations: Germany—by manipulating public opinion with an imposed German guilt complex—and the United States as a result of the enormous political influence of American Jewish lobby groups. The reasoning behind unconditional support for Israel is that…

Eulogy to Rachel

Sixteen hundred years ago in 404 AD the Christian monk Telemachus traveled from Asia Minor to Rome with a fixed purpose: end the gladiatorial combats. Upon arriving in Rome he ran into the arena crying out “In the name of Christ, forebear!” Telemachus interposed his body between the combatants to try to stop the gladiators….

Israeli Bulldozer Driver Murders American Peace Activist

Picture taken between 3:00-4:00PM, 16 March 2003, Rafah, Occupied Gaza. Rachel Corrie (L) and Nick (R) oppose the potential destruction of this home (to the west of the Doctor's home where Rachel was killed). In the instance pictured, the bulldozer did not stop and Rachel was pinned between the scooped earth and the fence behind…

From state induced emigration of Jews – to evacuation – to the alleged mass murder.

By Wilfried Heink- A while back I was made aware of a book by Rolf Vogel: “Ein Stempel hat gefehlt” (One rubber stamp was missing). The book, published in 1977, highlights the efforts made by various German officials to help Jews escape from what has become known as “Nazi Germany”. Vogel, the son of a…

The Israeli Masada Myth Exposed

Nachman Ben-Yehuda, The Masada Myth. Collective Memory and Mythmaking in Israel, University of Wisconsin Press, Madison 1995, 401 pp., paperback, $24.95 Hebrew University Professor Nachman Ben-Yehuda of the Sociology Department dropped a cultural-historiographical bombshell on the Jewish State of Israel when he wrote (p. 3): “How does one develop a sociological interpretation for an important…

All Men Are Equal-But Are They Really?

In 1994, Richard Herrnstein and Charles Murray published their highly controversial book, The Bell Curve, in which they claimed that the American Black population has a lower average intelligence quotient than the American White population, and genetic differences between the two groups are to a large extent responsible for this. Of course, this raised a…

A Look Back at Revisionism

For many years now, revisionist books and journal articles accumulate, which due to their scientific depth, their sheer irrefutable evidence and rigorous argumentation should have been in a position to cause a historiographic revolution all by themselves. But nothing happens. The silencing spiral, together with the increased worldwide range of persecution, silences more and more…

The First Holocaust

Most people believe that roughly six million Jews were killed by National Socialist Germany during World War II in an event generally referred to as the Holocaust or the Shoah. But how long have we known about this six-million figure? The most frequent answer is that the six-million figure was established after the Second World…

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