
Revisionism is not about Jews or the Jewish religion. It just happens to deal with an aspect of history in which Jews play a major role. Hence it is inevitable that Jewish topics are raised on occasion, and we aren’t going to avoid them here either.

Vampire Killers

March 14, 2001 Folk stories about vampires provide readers with various remedies to the calamity of a ghoulish attack. A fistful of graveyard dirt is favoured, garlic is beneficial, and the cross is most efficient. But these remedies don't always work. In Roman Polanski's hilarious horror comedy, “The Fearless Vampire Killers,” the hero tries to…

Joseph Revisited

March 3, 2001 “If the Jewish media lords cheat you about Palestine, why do you think they are honest in any other way?”—Israel Shamir, “Joseph Revisited,” March 3, 2001 It is not easy to visit Joseph these days. Roadblocks manned by nervous Israeli soldiers have surrounded his city of Nablus; trenches or heaps of earth…

Thought Experiment

Suppose one day you opened your Sunday paper and found out that a bunch of activist Christians had gotten together and taken out an ad declaring that Judaism was not responsible for the Russian Revolution. You would probably think they were a little bit crazy to even say that, the second thing you might think…

The Arafat Conspiracy

Some years ago Commentary magazine, the flagship publication for neo-conservative Jews, published an article by Milton Himmelfarb that made the simple assertion: “No Hitler, no Holocaust.” What Himmelfarb meant was that if it hadn’t been for the driving force provided by Adolf Hitler’s anti-Semitism, neither the Germans nor anyone else would have acted towards the…

Hate Hurts, But Bullets Kill

The Anti-Defamation League of B'nai Brith, an organization devoted to combating Anti-Semitism and bigotry, has started up a new campaign to promote tolerance among children. It's called the “Close the Book on Hate Campaign” and is keyed to the marketing of a new ADL sponsored book, entitled, Hate Hurts. According to the promotional literature, the…

Galilee Flowers

February 25, 2001 When in 1543, the typhoon-blown Portuguese schooners approached the shores of Japan, the astonished sailors could not believe their eyes: on a warm spring day, the tropical island ahoy was buried under snow. They were witness to one of the real Seven Wonders of the World, the flowers of sakura, the wild…

Kid Sister

Jaffa, 17.2.2001 After the last episode of the 'Fateful Elections', the actors amiably shared the trophies backstage. The muse of Israeli politics, like Coca-Cola, wishes to please everybody. Whoever thought that Barak was the best candidate, will be pleased to have him back in power as the Minister of Defense. Those who were about to…

Summer Fool, Winter Fool

February 4, 2001 “If the Jewish media lords cheat you about Palestine, why do you think they are honest in any other way?”—Israel Shamir, “Joseph Revisited,” March 3, 2001 While walking by the Tel Aviv seashore promenade, I was approached by a slick blond guy who invited me to visit lady luck. A mixed crowd…

Rape of Dulcinia

January 27, 2001 The touching words of Elie Wiesel (Jerusalem in My Heart, NYT 1/25/2001) painted a beautiful portrait of the Jewish people, yearning for Jerusalem, loving and praying for it over the centuries and cherishing its name from generation to generation. This potent image reminded me, an Israeli writer from Jaffa, of something familiar…

The Holocaust Dogma of Judaism

The Holocaust Dogma of Judaism: Keystone of the New World Order, by Ben Weintraub and Robert L. Brock, 1995. Softcover. 198 pages. Notes. This volume can be purchased from: “Cosmo Publishing”, PO Box 15248, Washington, D.C. 20003, USA for $15.00. Ben Weintraub and editor Robert Brock pose an interesting hypothesis: that the Holocaust has no…

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