
Revisionism is not about Jews or the Jewish religion. It just happens to deal with an aspect of history in which Jews play a major role. Hence it is inevitable that Jewish topics are raised on occasion, and we aren’t going to avoid them here either.

Why we few criticize Israel

Washington – People sometimes ask me why I'm so critical of Israel, as if I should be devoting more of my attention to Sri Lanka, or perhaps Zaire. But the question is always a little nervous, as it wouldn't be if I were writing equally often about Sri Lanka or Zaire. I could understand this…

The Fraud of Zionism

Most people have been trained to think of Zionism in positive terms. This is understandable. Decades of propaganda have misrepresented Zionism as a progressive, modern force bringing civilization to an arid, uninhabited wasteland. Such an image is an illusion. This essay will uncover the true history of Zionism. It will reveal the facts and make…

The Founding Myths of Israeli Politics

Copyright 1996 – All rights reserved. Contents Introduction Part I: Theological Myths The Myth of the “Promise”: Promised Land or Conquered Land? In Contemporary Christian Exegesis In the Prophetic Jewish Exegesis The Myth of the “Chosen People” The Myth of Joshua: Ethnic Purification Part II: The Myths of the 20th Century The Myth of Zionist…

Is The ADL Hypocritical?

Dec. 7, 1999. To Mr. Abraham Foxman, Anti-Defamation League, New York According to the ADL's 1913 charter, your organization's “ultimate purpose is to secure justice and fair treatment to all citizens alike, and to put an end forever to unjust and unfair discrimination against, and ridicule of any sect or body of citizens.”[1] Again in…

God Bless the Hillel Rabbis

Dream that I’m shot in the head, then the heart. The hit to the head is accompanied by a tremendous blast of hot air. I see everything blowing apart. The shot to the heart is a little high and to my left. It’s an unnecessary follow up. The dream half wakens me and I lie…

Labels and Libels

An important libel suit is under way in London. David Irving, the controversial British historian of World War II, is suing an American scholar, Deborah Lipstadt of Emory University, for calling him “one of the most dangerous spokespersons for Holocaust denial.” Since she wrote this in a 1993 book Denying The Holocaust, Irving says, his…

When Is a Tree Not a Tree?

This piece illustrates something with startling clarity, a something that is often lost in the vulgar and vicious rhetoric which any hint of holocaust revisionism seems to attract. Which is that the attackers aren't just being nasty, they are responding as any human might if their cultural legacy were one of more than 2,000 years…

Are Revisionists Anti-Semitic?

Dear AnswerMan, [List of purported anti-Semites deleted] So why is this? If “revisionism” isn't anti-Semitism, then why are there so many anti-Semites in the business? Thanks! Andrew Mathis AnswerMan Replies: AnswerMan! is in the business of answering historical queries, not engaging in polemics. However, you have asked a common question so AnswerMan! will straighten you…

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