Letters + Feedback

Selected letters and comments sent in to CODOH by our readers, supporters, fans, colleagues, critics, opponents etc.

La politique hitlérienne d’extermination

Le texte suivant, portant arrêt de mort de la recherche historique, a été rédigé par Poliakov et Vidal-Naquet en février 1979 et publié dans Le Monde, qui n’en rate pas une, le 21 février 1979. Seuls trente-quatre historiens acceptèrent de le signer, ce qui prouve la bonne santé de la corporation. Depuis, Vidal-Naquet s’est publiquement…

Letter to “The Economist”

The Economist25 St Jame's StreetLondon SW1A1HG[email protected]  Dear Editor We are writing to thank you for your Jun 2nd article Free Speech Under Attack a bit late, (we get our copy of the Economist as a hand-me-down.) It is worth noting that the current wave of censorship received a boost in 1990 with the passage of the Gayssot Act in France, Law No. 90-615…

Letter to The Electronic Intifada

To: The Electronic Intifada From:  David Merlin  June 21, 2016   Most people tend to see Free Speech as a bulwark of democracy.  But not the people at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum.  They view free speech as a danger and they are particularly worried about the internet. $20,000,000 is being spent by the Museum to send out the…

Letter to Houghton Mifflin Harcourt

Houghton Mifflin Harcourt222 Berkeley StreetBoston, MA 02116[email protected]   To the Attention of: Linda K. Zecher, Chief Executive OfficerWilliam Bayer, General CounselJill A. Greenthal, Director and Chair of Nominating, Ethics, and Governance CommitteeAndrew Russell, Corporate and Social Responsibility   Dear Officers and Directors of Houghton Mifflin Harcourt  I am writing to commend Houghton Mifflin Harcourt for its years of…


Three Bravos for The Revisionist I got my copy of the first “Revisionist” yesterday and have read it from cover to cover. My conclusion: BRAVO, BRAVO, BRAVO! I hope you are able to sustain the high level of the first issue. I particularly commend you for continuing all articles on the very next page and…


Liberty Survivor I am a USS Liberty survivor. I would like to thank you for writing a great article about our incident. It’s nice to see someone get it right once in a while. Thanks so very much. John Hrankowski, Rochester, NY Mr. Hrankowski refers to the review of James Ennes’s Assault on the Liberty…


I want to post (with permission) your fine Report article exposing the Dachau photo date (see SR 62-Ed.]. The photo itself [US Signals Corps photo 207745] is not on the USHMM Website. (I checked last night: several other ones are, including the “execution” of the Dachau guards. Can one of you email a good scan…


I’m an evening, part-time, adult education teacher. The enclosed letter was on the desk that I share with my morning counterpart who teaches social studies during the regular school hours. More ammo for your refreshing, monthly revisionist newsletter. Keep up the good work. H.M., Florida The letter referred to is addressed to “All Middle and…


I’m worried about Carlos Porter. I’ve been reviewing your coverage in Smith's Report (particularly your issue # 48) of his problems with the German government over his revisionist writings. Because Porter lives in Belgium, he apparently believes the German court cannot reach him. If Eichmann could be kidnapped by Israelis while living in Argentina, Porter…

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