Letters + Feedback

Selected letters and comments sent in to CODOH by our readers, supporters, fans, colleagues, critics, opponents etc.

This Is What CODOH Should Do

Below we reprint a number of reactions to last issue’s call for input regarding CODOH’s future. In contrast to the print version of Smith's Report, we reproduce them here here all and completely. My comments are inserted after some entries in italics.—GR We are of course fortunate to have an academic researcher on the codoh…


Instead of using the word “revisionism” to articulate or update history more accurately, why not use the term “data based?” Data based information” is a more effective term that “revisionist information.” Ermanno Barone, CA Interesting idea, but I think we’re stuck with “revisionist.” I made copies of your last Smith's Report and the “$250,000” ad…


The Holocaust Controversy: The Case for Open Debate, is one of the best revisionist articles I have read. It has the additional advantage of being in leaflet form. I put them in the postage-free return envelopes I get with my junk-mail. You used to advertise this leaflet in Smith’s Report. Why don’t you still do…


In April of 1996, Senators Boxer (CA) and Spector (PA) gifted $1 million to Steven Spielberg for his Shoah Holocaust project where the money would be used to pay for recording 50,000 holocaust survivor voices around the world—the money came out of the House Appropriations Committee Library Funds—education funds intended for the libraries (see Washington…


This morning I received your July issue of SR, which I read with the utmost interest and curiosity. On setting the newsletter aside after spending a half hour reading it, I noticed that my fingertips were all slightly blistered, and my eyes were smarting, the way they do when I am compelled to peel onions…


I discovered the Pravda article you mention in SR 55 in 1979 in the National Archives, Suitland (Maryland) branch. I was working on the case of Otto Moll, the SS non-commissioned officer (?) in charge of the Auschwitz Birkenau cremations. In the Prosecutor’s file I found a brief report from the Washington (D.C.) Daily News…


What a marvelous series this promises to be [An Ongoing Conversation About Libertarianism and Revisionism]. Six months ago I would not have given a “Holocaust Revisionist” any credibility whatsoever. Ad homonym attacks are common because they tend to be very effective (and require little intellectual or factual ammunition), and I had bought into the often-expressed…


Thanks for the continued provision of Smith’s Report and listings of available publications. This contact is especially welcome in that Internet access at my place of business is subject to censorship. Linkage to your Website (and that of IHR) is prevented by the ominous WEBTRAC CONTROL, which lists your site as one prohibited under the…


In addition to revisionist history, there is the related matter of the history of revisionism, a subject I do not think can be done at the moment. The person I thought capable of doing this right was Keith Stimely [editor of The Journal of Historical Review in the early 1980s], and I am still grieving…


I found your Web page and was deeply moved. Do you know the story, surely apocryphal, about Mozart discovering the music of J.S. Bach? According to the story Mozart was already an established composer by the time of this discovery (which was quite possible, given Bach’s obscurity as a composer in those days), and after…

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