Letters + Feedback

Selected letters and comments sent in to CODOH by our readers, supporters, fans, colleagues, critics, opponents etc.


Open Minded Checked out your web site. Quite thought-provoking. Will follow up on your references. Not totally sold on your views, but I am open-minded. My study of World War II dates back to when I was eight years old (I'm now 31). I am always looking for new info on all aspects of the…


The Delr Yassin Massacre In his letter in the Sept.-Oct. 1997 Journal, B.H. of Jerusalem, Israel, writes that “the Deir Yassin 'massacre' is a myth.” This is not true. Jewish-American scholar Alfred Lilienthal, the author of several important books on the Middle East, wrote in detail about this wanton and unprovoked massacre in his valuable…


Dependable For reliable information and factual accounts, I find The Journal of Historical Review most dependable. I join with other subscribers in wishing you continued success in reaching and penetrating the “public mind.” J.H.M.Dublin, Ireland Good Work Please find enclosed a bank draft for US $100. This is for my subscription, with a small donation…


The Larger Picture The recent Iraq crisis, with the Clinton administration's zealous campaign to persuade everyone of the need for military action against that Arab country, is helping many Americans better to see the larger picture. I find that people are asking questions and saying things that would have been unthinkable a few years ago….


Counted In It was very refreshing to find you on the Internet World Wide Web. Thanks for clarifying many issues. I've passed around several of your items by fax, and have posted others on the Net. Just wanted to let you know how much you are appreciated. Count me in! F. T.Tampa, Florida Placing Books…


20 Years in the US Foreign Service I am a former diplomat in the US Foreign Service, speak and read Arabic (as well as several other languages), and have lived overseas in France, Lebanon, and Saudi Arabia. I have twice had lunch with Israel's ex-Prime Minister Shimon Peres (when he was still Foreign Minister), and…


Revelation and Activism Nice job with the [Nov.-Dec. 1995] Journal. In particular, Jürgen Graf's article really drove home what I've always suspected, helping me to fully understand the consequences of the outcome of World War II. I plan to become a European history teacher, to promote the truth and help reinvigorate an educational system that…


Impressive Scholarship Having just finished reading my first issue of the Journal, I want to tell you that I am very impressed. In its overall scholarship, it is the equal of any serious academic journal. Both "R.P." and "M.B." make good points in their letters in the Jan.-Feb. Journal. issues such as the threat to…


A Tip of the Hat Today, for the first time, I took a tour of your [internet] website, and was overwhelmed by the wealth of info there. If this is your spare-time project, please accept a tip of the hat from me. Please also be assured that what you've placed there at everyone's disposal is…


Great Impact I will be 87 on my next birthday. During my life I have seen so many promising organizations come and go. I hope this will not happen with the IHR. Mind you, in the time you have been with us, from 1978, the Institute has made an impact greater than many other organizations….

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