


The third week in February when I returned from out of town I discovered a letter informing me that we were losing our Internet service provider. Unlike the fiasco of last summer, where our service provider turned against us for political reasons and broke its contract, this time it was a matter of market-place failure….


An interview. Last month I received from Arnaud Hubert the following request by email. (Hi. I’m a journalist for French monthly magazine Planete Internet (http://www.planete-internet.com). We're working on a story about revisionist sites and activists on the Net. As you know, this is a very sensitive issue in France, because of history reasons but also…


D.E. Johnson … The work you do is invaluable. You are the only person I know of who is doing what you do … Smith’s Report of December 1996 used a lot of postage, paper, and ink in relating the IHR/Carto debacle … What is the purpose of becoming embroiled in petty, internecine warfare which…

Candor or Slander?

If Sheldon Epstein is to be believed, he is the first academic in history to be fired for “believing” in the Holocaust. But, as the Duke of Wellington is supposed to have said when asked on a London street if he was “Mr. Jones,” if you believe that, you’ll believe anything. Epstein was an adjunct…


When Bradley Smith asked me via e-mail if I would write a statement supporting the subscription drive of Smith's Report, I replied okay “but please first advise me. Do you object to being described as 'the sort of crank we can't do without', or something like that? That is how I actually view you.” Bradley…

Correspondence. Correction

Correspondence. I have a pile of correspondence to attend to that's about a foot high. The truth of the matter is that, while I want to hear from you, and while I read every letter that crosses my desk, I am unable to answer your letters unless they pertain to business of the utmost importance…

The Name of the Game?

The name of the game is names. Without an increasing number of subscribers to Smith’s Report, many of whom become contributors as well, I’m a dead duck. I want to thank those of you who responded to my last request for names by sending me several good lists over the summer. I’m beginning to get…


Charles E. Weber. I was utterly astonished to find the statement on page 3 of SR: “SOR’s first issue will feature . . . the first full review of Daniel Goldhagen’s Hitler’s Willing Executioners by a revisionist publication anywhere.” My rather long review not only appeared in Christian News of 8 July, but all 13…


Arthur Butz Having almost recovered from returning from vacation, I was able to read SR 34. The account (p. 4) of the ad in the FAZ, May 17, is erroneous. The ad is very generally worded and many readers would have no idea who or what is involved. There was no specific reference to revisionist…

Jewish Comics Yes! Farcical Holocaust Tragedians No!

Doubtless you've seen the stories: the French Olympic “synchronized swimming” team in Atlanta, goose-stepping poolside to themes from Schindler's List, then diving in for their arrival at the death camps, the selection by Dr. Mengele and company, and the last march to the showers (or was it the bath tubs?). No, this one wasn't going…

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