

How to Become a “Saint” and Get Canonized through Yad Vashem!

The March 19 issue of Olo­dogma contained an article titled « La catena di montaggio dei morti olocaustici, Magda Goebbels nel database dello Yad Vashem » (Holocaust death assembly line…. Magda Goebbels in the database of Yad Vashem Memorial) tells us about a masterminded hoax. The Italian daily Corriere della sera had called upon relatives…

What Would Happen If …

The following is an imagined memorandum or e-mail from the colleague of a Harvard University professor who, in an undergraduate history class, stated a “sensitive” historical fact concerning the Holocaust. No professor at any American university is known to have done any such thing in any such setting, nor would it seem at this time…

The Karski Report: The Holocaust in Miniature

This issue of Inconvenient History features an article by Friedrich Jansson that is appropriate to the Year 2014, designated by the Sejm (legislature) of Poland the Year of (Jan) Karski, the intrepid courier/witness for the London-based government-in-exile of Poland, born in Poland one hundred years ago. The article discloses, for the first time of which…

The Jewish News Reviews “The Jewish Gas Chamber Hoax”

Ms. Lori Lowenthal Marcus US CorrespondentThe Jewish Press 4915 16th Avenue Brooklyn, NY 11204NY Telephone Number718.330.1100Out-of-State Telephone 1.800.992.1600 02 April 2014 Dear Ms. Marcus, I am writing to comment on your review of The Jewish Gas Chamber Hoax where you write, "it sounds pretty much like old lies repackaged in a new format." http://tinyurl.com/p8lf5a8 While…

Inconvenient History: Latest Stats

Inconvenient History:A Quarterly Journal For Free Historical Inquiry The report shows a comparison of the first quarter of 2014 vs. the first quarter of 2013. The most important stat is Unique Visitors, up 46.99% for a total of 58,710 new visitors! The Latest Stats Visits: 277.975 vs. 196,063 Unique Visitors: 183,659 vs. 124,949 Page Views:…

The Last Word

*** I think maybe Jon Rappoport has had the last word here. Groups, not individuals: Holocaust Deniers, Jew-haters, Anti-Semites, it goes on and on. Always groups, in support of yet another Group, The Genocide Industry. They are very good at it. *** Last month was a disaster with regard to donations. I wonder if it…

No Smoking Gun, No Silver Bullets: The Real News of Rosenberg’s Diary

In June of 2013, the media was buzzing with the announcement of the discovery of the diary of Alfred Rosenberg by the US Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and Homeland Security Investigations (HSI). Initial reports announced that the diary “could offer new insights into the Holocaust.”[1] News conferences were held with officials from the Department…

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