

No One Gassed at Dachau (1961)

Several of the letters of Austin J. App are to be presented as part of the CODOH Revisionist Library. These are important to the historiography of Holocaust revisionism as they are some of the earliest works to question the formative Holocaust story. These works are being presented for researchers as they are rare documents. They…

The Holocaust in Perspective: A Letter by Paul Rassinier

Paul Rassinier is the generally acknowledged founder of scholarly holocaust revisionism. Born in France in 1906 and trained as an educator, he taught history and geography at the secondary school in Faubourg de Montbéliard. During the Second World War, he co-founded the “Libé-Nord” underground Resistance organization, which helped smuggle Jews from German-occupied France into Switzerland….

Did Michael Shermer Lie?

Date: Tue, 1 Aug 2000 14:54:21 -0700 (PDT)From: Paul GrubachSubject: Did Michael Shermer Lie?To: [email protected] Dr. Shermer: I have shown the following extract from your Denying History to two professors who teach at Eastern Colleges. They think that you are guilty of conscious deception. In regard to Crematorium I (the alleged gas chamber) at Auschwitz…

Grandma’s Ashes

published by Actors Drama Library, New York Cityin association withL’Atelier des Rêves © 2000 Cast of Characters PA: BOY: GIRL: CLERK: MAYOR: MINISTER: BANKER: The play is set in a small town and its outskirts. Scene I AT RISE: A wooded place. PA stands in front of a curtained area; BOY crouches next to him….

Musidorus the Cannibal

© January 20, 2000 Joseph Sobran Long ago there was a bitter war between the kingdoms of Scythia and Bohemia. It began when the Scythian king, Lobo the Bold, claimed by ancient right some lands on the Bohemian seacoast, which he invaded, slaughtering the Bohemians who had lived there peacefully for many generations. The Bohemian…

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