
Information on current events of interest, as far as they are contained in library documents. For more frequently posted brief news items see CODOH's separate News blog.

The Pope in Jerusalem

Pope John Paul II is scheduled to visit Israel next week and give an address at the Yad Vashem Holocaust Memorial in Jerusalem (March 23). There is great tension over this encounter for the following reasons. During World War II the Vatican, with its far flung connections, especially in Poland, was in a position to…

British ISPs Crack Down on Hate

5:30 p.m. 25. Jan. 2000 PST Internet service providers in Britain announced new self-regulatory content policies aimed at removing racist material from the Internet on Tuesday. The Internet Watch Foundation, an industry-funded self-policing body, said it will begin cracking down on “potentially criminal” hate content. The new brief expands the authority of the watchdog organization,…

Dr . Fredrick Töben of Adelaide, Australia, arrested in Germany

Dr. Fredrick Töben, Director of Australia's Adelaide Institute, who organized the successful 1998 revisionist conference there, was arrested in Germany on 8 April 1999, on a charge of “defaming the memory of the dead”. He was sent to Mannheim Prison. Töben was on a research visit, mainly in Eastern Europe. His activities are described at…

Action Report no. 13

Published by Focal Pointfor David Irving's world-wide legal Fighting Fund (DIFF) Update AR #13 – Dec. 1, 1997 Highlights of This Issue “A Radical's Diary” Who is Gregory Douglas, and did the Americans ever interrogate “Gestapo Müller”? (No.) Letters to David Irving The Willis Carto Affair David Irving confronts Daniel Goldhagen A Radical's Diary By…

They Committed Suicide?

Robert M. O'Neil is Director of the Thomas Jefferson Center for the Protection of Free Expression and author of Classrooms in the Crossfire: The Rights and Interests of Students, Parents, Teachers, Administrators, Librarians, and the Community. He is also former President of the Universities of Virginia and Wisconsin. His most recent book is Free Speech…

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