United States of America



Ernst Zündel won another, big round against his persecutors in Canada on April 14. The misnamed Canadian Human Rights Tribunal agreed to adjourn indefinitely its hearings aimed at closing down the Zündel Website in the U.S. (actually controlled and operated by Dr. Ingrid Rimland) by holding Zündel responsible for its revisionist (“and thus anti-Semitic”) content….

Freedom from Speech

YouTube interview with Greg Lukianoff by the CATO Institute about censorship on U.S. campuses. Greg LukianoffPresident and CEOFoundation for Individual Rights in Education170 S. Independence Mall W., Suite 510Philadelphia, PA 19106 Phone: 215-717-FIRE (3473)Fax: 215-717-3440 Mr. Lukianoff: The essay that won first place in FIRE's 2014-2015 Academia Essay Contest was quite uplifting. You awarded it…

ADL Crackdown on Student Editors Can’t Stop CODOH’s Campus Reward Ad

As CODOH’s $250K reward ad continues to multiply on campuses across America, the Anti-Defamation League—the ad’s chief target—has been forced to take public notice. Unable to block the ad’s placement at most colleges, ADL has marshaled its allies and surrogates in the Hillel Foundation and elsewhere to cajole or to pressure university administrators and faculty…

Of Dracula and Chia Pets

A column in the Jewish World (March 27-April 1998) gives a revealing, behind-the-scenes glimpse at how professional censors within the Jewish community think and operate against CODOH and the Campus Project. Writer Mik Moore edits New Voices, a publication of the Jewish Student Press Service, and is a recent graduate of Vassar. That last bit…

Internet Roundup 1998

As 1998 begins, a new strain of virulent anti-Americanism is circulating throughout our country. We see the Holocaust Lobby attempting, in complete and utter disregard for the basic tenets on which our country was founded, to eliminate revisionist dissent through nongovernmental, “voluntarist” tampering with the free market of ideas. While the Left, and nearly all…

“Watchdog” Barks a Grudging Tribute to CODOH’s Growing Internet Outreach

The Anti-Defamation League, through the medium of a lengthy attack in its latest scare screed, High-Tech Hate, has inadvertently underlined the growing power of the Committee for Open Debate of the Holocaust’s site on the World Wide Web, CODOHWeb. Published just in time for Halloween, its cover a mosaic of strong blacks and oranges and…

Lyle Stuart “Barricades” Revisionist Manuscripts

I recently had occasion to read an article sent me from the Hoboken Record (2 February 97) titled “House of Stuart.” It gave the background to the publishing history of Lyle Stuart, who is perhaps the most independent and controversial mainstream book publisher in the United States. He specializes in publishing books that challenge orthodox…

Elie Wiesel Focuses on Danger of Internet

In a recent interview, super-survivor, Nobel laureate and selfproclaimed human cannonball (see SR 42, “Elie Wiesel: Sometimes the Truth Is an Accident”) Wiesel unbosomed himself to The Jerusalem Post on the “deniers” (that’s us, folks). As paraphrased by the Post, Elie said this regarding the chief avenue of attack along which revisionism is storming against…

High Court Lights Up a Glorious Fourth for Revisionists at Home

It was a pre-Fourth of July gift for Americans, and for Holocaust revisionism-hungry folks around the world. On June 26, the Supreme Court of the United States struck down President Bill Clinton’s and the Republican-controlled Congress’s Communications Decency Act (CDA). In its landmark decision, the nation’s highest court ruled that the law violated Americans’ First…

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