United States of America


An uncensored Letter to America’s readers

As a Public Service, The Journal of Historical Review runs the advertisement on the facing page. We fully subscribe to the American Booksellers Association's bold credo of First Amendment rights. We furthermore have every intention of reminding the various publishers, writers, magazine wholesalers, librarians and booksellers listed of the duties incumbent in their stewardship of…

Facts, Allegations, and Judicial Notice

censorship/USA, organizations/rev, H/witnes/vitcimThe Journal of Historical Review, vol. 3, no. 1 (spring 1982), pp. 47-51Facts, Allegations, and Judicial NoticeSubmitted to the California Superior Court in the Case, Mermelstein vs. IHR et al., by Counsel for DefendantsRichard Fusilier Introduction The defendants in the above-entitled cause respectfully submit the following Points and Authorities, and the appended Declaration…

Letters To The “New Statesman'

The following letters were mailed to the editor of the New Statesman, 10 Great Turnstile, London WC1V 7HJ, Great Britain, following the publication of an article attacking Revisionism on 2 November 1979, by Gitta Sereny. 18 November 1979 Dear Sir: In general Gitta Sereny's few substantive arguments (NS, 2 November) are answered in my book…

Totalitarian Liberalism

Margaret Chase Smith became a member of the House of Representatives in 1940 when her husband Clyde died. She served four terms in the House and then was elected to the United States Senate in 1948. She is remembered for having been the first woman elected to both houses of Congress. Smith today is most…

Mistress Sara Bloomfield of the USHMM and the Codoh Campus Project

Ms. Sara Bloomfield, Mistress of the mighty United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, has sent an appeal nationwide asking for donations to “Confront Holocaust Denial.” Mistress Bloomfield singles out the work of Bradley Smith and CODOH to establish, yet again, how the publication of simple advertisements in student newspapers puts at risk everything her monumental Holocaust-promoting…

Pyrrhic Victory over Revisionism

In April 2004 the European-American Culture Council (EACC) had planned to hold a conference in Sacramento, the capital of California. It was going to be the most impressive conference of recent years. The gathering was sponsored by the Australian Adelaide Institute, conducted by Dr. Fredrick Toben. Aside from some well-known historians, all of whom were…

CODOHWeb Defies July 4th Sneak Attack!

As subscribers to this newsletter are aware, the Committee for Open Debate on the Holocaust's Web site was closed down without notice and without explanation (other than a cryptic reference to its “content”) by its Internet server, ProtoSource Network, approximately one minute after midnight on July 4th, 1996. While the losses CODOH suffered during the…

ADL Coordinates “Response” to CODOH’s Campus Project

They're saying as little as possible in public, they’re ashamed of what they're about, but electronic mail communications obtained by CODOH confirm that the Anti-Defamation League and Hillel are doing what they can, under the table, to stop CODOH advertisements from running in student newspapers across America. It’s clear they’re worried—worried that these simple, inexpensive…

Smith’s Report no. 10, July 1992

Friend The Campus Project has been successful beyond anything we have done before. Holocaust revisionism has become a presence on dozens of university campuses. Seventeen student newspapers at major universities have published full page CODOH ads about revisionism. Papers that refuse to run the ads print editorials, interviews and columns explaining why. I have given…

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