Persecution of Dissidents

The social, extra-judicial persecution of dissidents for their peaceful activities. By extra-judicial, social persecution we mean media harassments and defamation, loss of employment, loss of residence, termination of memberships, cancellation of business contracts etc. Unless a report is on persecution in general, it has been categorized in the subcategory of the country where the events have occurred.

Mahatma Gandhi’s Persecution

Mahatma K. Gandhi, The Selected Works of Mahatma Gandhi, Volume Two: Satyagraha in South Africa, edited by Shriman Narayan, Navajian Publishing House, Ahmedabad, 1968, 290 + xiii, index, ISBN: 978-81-7229-278-2. Introduction When I was languishing in a German prison for my historical research between 2005 and 2009, I had the opportunity to read many works…

The Tolerant Man Who Could Not Be Tolerated

In 2019, and for a couple of years after, we all heard about the “Holocaust-denying” high-school principal William Latson. Most who heard about that of course never checked whether the characterization was accurate. Even some politicians who stated forceful opinions on the matter, it turns out, apparently never bothered to check what they were saying. On…


Lady Michele Renouf, the beautiful, elegant and intelligent fighter against the Holoco$t is interviewed and talks about the original Jewish homeland created by Stalin in Siberia. Lady Renouf states in this video (47 minutes) her refreshing and intelligent views regarding the terrible situation in Palestine. As Lady Renouf says that the Jewish homeland in Siberia,…


For musician Alison Chabloz, 56, 2020 has been another eventful year. January 10th, Chabloz' appeal at Derby Crown Court against an eight-week prison sentence (breach of a 12-month social media ban for writing on her own website) was adjourned by HHJ Robert Egbuna; disclosure of communications between Chabloz' accusers – pro-Israel NGO "Campaign Against Antisemitism" (CAA) – the Crown, the National Probation Service and indeed the Ministry of Justice was, for some reason, unforthcoming… Chabloz was granted unconditional bail by the judge who decided that the appeal could not proceed properly without full disclosure of the relevant papers.

Holocaust on Trial Documentary PBS Smears Irving v. Lipstadt Holocaust Denial Trial

Controversial historian David Irving sued Jewish-American academic Deborah Lipstadt for libel after she had accused him of being a distorter of history and a Holocaust denier. Irving mounted his case alone, without legal support, taking on the legal big guns of a major publisher. This documentary is a reenactment of the courtroom proceedings as Irving…

Documentary by The Fifth Estate Canadian MSM Mainstream Media Meets Ernst Zündel

The Canadian mainstream media sat down with legendary revisionist and German advocate Ernst Zundel back in 1993 to create this short, made-for-TV documentary. Here's what the Zionist medium had to say about 'Gift to the World': "His name has become synonymous with hate propaganda in Canada and around the world – and The Fifth Estate first…

Sylvia Stolz : The Reality of Freedom of Expression (English overdub) (1:33:56)

Sylvia Stolz, a criminal-defense lawyer, was a member of Ernst Zündel’s defense team during his free-speech trial in Germany in 2006/2007. Due to her confrontational defense, she was eventually banned from defending Zündel. Zündel was sentenced to serve a five-years in prison for revisionist statements he had made online and in print, even though those…

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