Persecution of Dissidents

The social, extra-judicial persecution of dissidents for their peaceful activities. By extra-judicial, social persecution we mean media harassments and defamation, loss of employment, loss of residence, termination of memberships, cancellation of business contracts etc. Unless a report is on persecution in general, it has been categorized in the subcategory of the country where the events have occurred.

UK today – Songs about Jewish Lies, Power and Control now a Criminal Offence

Last week, for having expressed myself musically via the Internet, I was entertained at Her Majesty’s pleasure during 48 hours. Clearly at the beck and call of my predatory stalkers, police first arrested me for an alleged breach of bail outside Court 8 at Westminster Mags then, ten minutes later, de-arrested me. Within half an hour, I…

Germar Rudolf Holocaust Revisionist Persecution (2 of 2)

Germar Rudolf joins us to share the story of his life’s work as a revisionist researcher and writer and the ostracizing and persecution he has endured for daring to tread into the controversial topic of the German holocaust. In part 1 ( ), Germar goes deeper into exposing free speech hijacking and human dignity suppression that…

Warning to the Jews About their Alleged Holocaust (Part 2)

Summonsed by the French criminal police within the framework of new charges brought for “disputing a crime against humanity ”, Vincent Reynouard explains why he will not appear. He does not recognise the legitimacy or authority of the French State built upon Holocaust hysteria. A fantastic video (11 minutes). Part 2 :  2°) Warning to…

Memorabilia: Breaking The Spell (of the Holocaust) with Dr Nick Kollerstrom

An extensive interview with scientist Nicholas Kollerstrom (2015) on his book "Breaking the Spell" published by Castle Hill Publications. Here, Dr. Kollerstrom talks about the persecution and isolation that he has suffered after the publication of his book. Interviewed on February 25, 2015 – Henrik Palmgren (Red Ice Radio) hosts Nicholas Kollerstrom and discusses Breaking The Spell,…

The Siege Intensifies

Are they closing in on us for the kill? The deluge of anti-revisionist cavil and calumny raining down on anyone thought to harbor an ill thought regarding Israel, Jewry or above all, the Holocaust Religion has reached a deafening pitch. The latest victims of the Juggernaut of Conscience of this century as well as the…

CPS Discontinues Original Charge for my Song (((Survivors)))

Friday June 2, the Crown Prosecution Service informed my lawyer of their intention to discontinue the initial accusation for malicious communications brought against me by Gideon Falter of the Campaign Against Antisemitism for my song (((Survivors))). This latest news of yet another charge against me being dropped will no doubt provoke yet more tears from…

Police, Thieves, Enemies and Trolls

A letter published in today’s Guardian speculates on the reasons for the Crown Prosecution Service announcement on Wednesday that a man connected to the murder of PC Yvonne Fletcher outside the Libyan embassy in 1984 cannot be prosecuted for reasons of national security: • The UK government’s case has always been that the Libyans shot dead PC…

The Persecution Never Ends

Dear all, Wednesday evening May 17, four police officers turned up at my parents' address in Glossop asking for my whereabouts.  My mother was told that their visit had to do with my case at Westminster Magistrates court, and the officer in charge asked her to ask me to present myself at the nearest police station…

David Irving – Jailed and Beaten for Telling Truth of World War II

In April 2009 David Irving sat for a privately filmed interview lasting many hours meant to become the basis of a major documentary on his life and his often-controversial opinions on history. This 2hr-18min video has never been released. Parts of this interview were published as a DVD in 2009 by Irving himself; now you can watch this…

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