

The Potential Expansion of French Holocaust Denial Laws to Non-Public Speech

In 1990, in France, the Gayssot Act made it an offense to challenge “the existence of one or several crimes against humanity as defined by article 6 of the Charter of the International Military Tribual […] and which have been committed either by members of an organization declared criminal pursuant to article 9 of said…

Attack on Marine Le Pen is Crazy

Le Pen received 34% of the vote in France's 2017 presidential election but the media labels her as "Far Right."   More to the point, her election success has made her the target of the French government (Far Left by the standards of most Americans.)  Adopting a favorite tactic of the Soviets to discredit dissidents, Le…

Faurisson risks jail for 60-word summary of his research during Tehran conference

In contrast to the Court of Appeal hearing given last March, this latest bout of Ziocons [=Zionist neocons] persecution of revisionist, Robert Faurisson, was held in the 17° Chambre Correctionelle of the High Court at the Palais de Justice in Paris, ensuring that numerous members of the public who’d gathered there to support the professor were able to witness the proceedings from the…

An English Revisionist in Paris

Prof. Dr. Robert Faurisson, March 2016 Yesterday, March 17, I was present at the Court of Appeal in Paris for what was announced as The Trial of the Century. The trial was centred around a 2011 documentary film by Paul-Eric Blanrue, Un homme, based on the life and work of the world’s foremost “Holocaust” revisionist,…

Letter to PEN

Suzanne Nossel Executive Director PEN[email protected]Karin Deutsch Karlekar Director of Free Expression Programs[email protected]Katy Glenn Bass Deputy Director of Free Expression Programs[email protected]Shreya Balhara Free Expression Coordinator[email protected] Dear PEN- I am writing in response to Executive Director Nossel's recent letter regarding the release of reporter Jason Rezaian and poets Fatemeh Ekhtesari and Medhi Mousavi. Thank you for the…

News from France

At the big demonstration in Paris last Saturday (January 26, "day of anger") against President Hollande and his government some participants, at least one with a megaphone, were heard chanting a slogan that can be translated "Faurisson is right: the gas chambers are a sham".The demonstration gave rise to clashes between marchers and police: there were 262…

For Vincent Reynouard

I sincerely hope that the recent appeal by Vincent Reynouard with, at his side, Marie Bruchet, will be heard by all our friends. At the strictly scientific and historical level revisionism has won the match but, on the other hand, at the educational, propaganda and media level we are more and more besieged. To the…


Ernst Zündel won another, big round against his persecutors in Canada on April 14. The misnamed Canadian Human Rights Tribunal agreed to adjourn indefinitely its hearings aimed at closing down the Zündel Website in the U.S. (actually controlled and operated by Dr. Ingrid Rimland) by holding Zündel responsible for its revisionist (“and thus anti-Semitic”) content….

Forbidden to Laugh

You would think that a Court of "Human Rights" would defend the right of a comedian to make jokes with a biting social commentary, Right? Cartoons about Mohammed are ok, yes. Mocking Jesus Christ is humorous, of course. All France united to protest the Islamic attacks on the iconoclast magazine Charlie Hebdo. Correct? Well… think again. Europe…

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