

“Magda Goebbels”… in the Yad Vashem Database

Abstract This paper demonstrates with an example that the number of Holocaust victims claimed to be in the victims’ database of the Yad Vashem Holocaust Museum in Jerusalem cannot be trusted, because anyone can place any number of false entries into that database! In this case, the fictitious person with data related to famous National-Socialist…

How to Increase the Number of Deaths in the Holocaust

Abstract In 2013, Italian police forces raided the homes of numerous participants of the U.S. Stormfront blog. The background of this raid was a discussion about the veracity and reliability of entries in the victims’ database of the Israeli Yad Vashem Holocaust Remembrance Center, among other things. To verify these claims, Italian blogger Olodogma looked…

Italy’s Parliament Approves Holocaust Denial Criminalization

Italy’s parliament has been discussing a bill to criminalize Holocaust denial for the past 10 years. Other laws are now in effect; public incitement to racial hatred and such things are penalized, but Holocaust denial was not criminalized like it is in 14 other countries in Europe until now.   Italian  Parliament The first step to pass…

Still No Laws in Italy against Holocaust “Denial” and None to Come

People may wonder why an otherwise emphatically “politically correct” Italy has no law against “Holocaust denial” or “negationism”. This is indeed still the case, in spite of the European Union’s 2008 “Framework Decision” calling for legislative harmonization in this respect throughout its territory. The EU-wide prohibition of anti-“Holocaust” revisionism by means of the sordid ruse…

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