Prosecution of Dissidents

The prosecution, by proper courts of law, of dissidents for their peaceful activities. Unless a report is on prosecution in general, it has been categorized in the subcategory of the country where the prosecution occurred.

'Der Auschwitz Mythos': A Book and Its Fate in the German Federal Republic

“To sin by silence when they should protest makes cowards of men.”—President Abraham Lincoln [retranslation] I was not yet acquainted with these wards of Lincoln when, after the Second World War, I repeatedly expressed doubts in conversations with a wide range of people about the alleged atrocities in German concentration camps. It simply appeared to…

Reflections on Auschwitz and West German Justice

My booklet, The Auschwitz Lie, has become an under-the-counter bestseller. It has appeared in French, Spanish, Dutch, Danish and even Hungarian, as well as in several English language editions. Actually, there's nothing very remarkable about The Auschwitz Lie except that it was written by someone who was in Auschwitz and who recorded his experiences and…

Germar Rudolf / Galileo Revisited

This below text was originally written as part of a foreword intended to be published in Germar Rudolf's most recent book Resistance Is Obligatory (see more about it below), but then Paul Eisen had second thoughts about it and withdrew it. He allowed his friend Daniel McGowan to use some of his foreword, though, so…

In the Matter of Robert Faurisson

Statement on oath by John Tuson Bennett of 122 Canning Street, Carlton Melbourne Australia, barrister and solicitor of the Supreme Court of Victoria. I, John Tuson Bennett of 122 Canning Street Carlton Melbourne make oath and say as follows: I am a barrister and solicitor of the Supreme Court of Victoria and have been employed…

Banged Up

Banged Up: Survival as a Political Prisoner in 21st Century Europe, by David Irving Focal Point Publications, Windsor, England, 2008. 146pp., illustrated, with notes, indexed. Banged Up is David Irving’s autobiographical account of his arrest and 400 days of solitary confinement in an Austrian prison for having presented what amounted to inconvenient history at a…

The Prohibition of Holocaust Denial

“Once any idea is expressed…no matter how repugnant it may be to some persons or, simply to everybody, it must never be erased by the Government.” – Kurt Vonnegut On 8 July, 1981, the sovereign nation of Israel became the very first country in the world to specifically outlaw “Holocaust denial.” The Israeli Knesset passed…

Outlaw History #13

Below is a letter written by Germar Rudolf to his “friends.” It refers to how he is fighting his extradition to Germany to serve five years, or longer, in a German prison for thought crimes. Rudolf, who studied chemistry at the Max Planck Institute in Germany, discovered that the gas chamber stories are so trashy…

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