Prosecution of Dissidents

The prosecution, by proper courts of law, of dissidents for their peaceful activities. Unless a report is on prosecution in general, it has been categorized in the subcategory of the country where the prosecution occurred.

Letter to Amnesty International Regarding the Persecution of Germar Rudolf by the Government of Germany

Amnesty InternationalD-53108BonnGermany August 16, 2006 Sir/Madame: I have been informed that one of the main purposes of your organization is to defend human rights worldwide. I am writing to you now to inform you of a very serious human rights violation that is taking place in your own nation, and to request that you would…

In the XVIIth Chamber of the Paris Correctional Court, the CRIF and Yahweh against Professor Robert Faurisson

They came to grief for it. Quite a bad idea, picking a quarrel with Professor Faurisson. That is what they have learned to their cost, “they” being, first, Madame le substitut du procureur (“assistant public prosecutor”) of the French Republic in Paris, Anne de Fontette, initiator of the proceedings, then the three civil plaintiffs –…

Vienna Imprisonment

Political prisoner David Irving has already written 1,000 pages of a new book on his persecution. This four page excerpt was sent from his prison in Vienna. The handwriting of the British historian is very difficult to read. This rendering owes its existence to the reading skills of a number of people. A few places…

The French anti-revisionist law

The French anti-revisionist law dates from July 13, 1990. It is known by various names: “Gayssot law”, “Fabius-Gayssot law”, “Faurisson law”, “lex Faurissonia” or “article 24bis” (of the law of July 29, 1881 on press freedom). It provides for a prison sentence of up to a year as well as a maximum fine of €45,000…

Rudolf and Verbeke charged with ThoughtCrimes in Germany

“Thoughtcrime does not entail death: thoughtcrime IS death.”George Orwell Revisionist author and researcher Germar Rudolf and publisher Siegfried Verbeke have been charged with incitement according to German prosecutors. Both Germar Rudolf and Siegfried Verbeke are accused of “systematically” denying or playing down the Nazi genocide of Europe's Jews in documents and on the Internet and…

Revisionist Publisher Varela arrested in Spain

“Thoughtcrime does not entail death: thoughtcrime IS death.”George Orwell Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain. On Tuesday, April 11, 2006, revisionist publisher Pedro Varela was arrested at his Libreria Europa bookstore in the Catalan capital. He was charged with “defending and justifying genocide” by publishing books such as Joaquin Bochaca's Mito de los 6 miliones and, “putting in…

The Revisionist Clarion — Monthly Newsletter about Historical Revisionism and the Crisis of Imperial Powers — World Wars / Colonial Wars in the making / Future Wars

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Belgian Ex-Senator on Trial for Holocaust Revisionism

“Thoughtcrime does not entail death: thoughtcrime IS death.”George Orwell Former Belgian senator, Roeland Raes was put on trial for “denying” the Holocaust. Raes, a leader in the Flemish nationalist party Vlaams Blok was interviewed on Dutch television. During the interview, he commented that Anne Frank's diary was not authentic and that the concentration camps were…

Letter Protesting the Austrian Prosecution of Dissident Historian-Writer David Irving

Via email to [email protected] To Whom It May Concern: Historian David Irving handcuffed in Austria for dissident history I have a few questions I should like to ask you in regard to Austrian Law. Does Austria have a law which will punish denial or the minimization of the murder of tens of millions of Christians/Gentiles…

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