Prosecution of Dissidents

The prosecution, by proper courts of law, of dissidents for their peaceful activities. Unless a report is on prosecution in general, it has been categorized in the subcategory of the country where the prosecution occurred.

Update on Ernst Zuendel and the Canadian Hate Police

Ernst Zuendel’s hearing before the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal opened on May 28th, and closed the next day. As reported in SR #39 (January 1997), the misnamed tribunal is attempting to close down the US-based Zuendel Website by holding Ernst responsible under Canadian law pertaining to hate (!) messages over the telephone (!!). While a…

Doug Collins on Trial in Vancouver for Thumbing Nose at Schindler’s List

Outspoken, revisionist-friendly Canadian journalist Doug Collins is currently being tried before a so-called human rights tribunal in Vancouver, British Columbia. His crime? In the eyes of BC authorities, publishing something “likely to expose a person or a group or a class of persons to hatred or contempt,” but actually for his lack of reverence for…

Hans Schmidt’s Dramatic Aaccount of his Incarceration in “Democratic” Germany

Hans Schmidt has just published a memoir of his 1995 incarceration by the German thought-police, Jailed in 'Democratic' Germany: The Ordeal of an American Writer. As many SR readers will remember, Schmidt was grabbed by German thought police while returning home from Germany in the summer of 1995. The 68-year-old writer was arrested and imprisoned…

Amnesty International Tells CODOH that Revisionists Deserve Prison

Few things have been more disappointing to libertarian-minded revisionists than the persistent silence of free-speech organizations in the face of the worldwide persecution of Holocaust revisionists for their historical opinions. The same groups which have made a cause celebre out of every small-town effort to refuse to carry the latest New York celebration of adolescent…

SR Bullet-in-Briefs

The previous issue of SR reported on the current legal ordeals of Robert Faurisson and Ernst Zuendel. There are these further developments: In Paris, the justices of France's Supreme Court of Appeals have responded to Professor Faurisson's petition that they consider whether the Loi Gayssot, which decrees that challenging the factuality of the “Holocaust” is…

Carlos Porter, Sentenced in Germany, Says “Nuts” from Belgium

Carlos Whitlock Porter, an American who has analyzed the charges, evidence and testimony in the post-WWII trials of the Germans and Japanese, was convicted in absentia by a Munich court late last year of sending his book, Not Guilty at Nuremberg, into Germany. In a letter to the court dripping with the scorn and defiance…

Revisionist Focus: Verlag der Freunde

In last issue’s “Revisionism Rampant ‘round the Globe,” which we aim to make a periodical update on what revisionist individuals and groups are accomplishing and enduring worldwide, we stated that the Verlag der Freunde, a Berlin-based outfit, published Nazi materials, including an SS song book. On December 11, we received a letter from Andreas Roehler,…

Faurisson Trial Suspended

Yet another in the interminable round of prosecutions of Professor Robert Faurisson was suddenly halted on November 15 when Faurisson and his attorney, Eric Delcroix, challenged the constitutionality of France's repressive Loi Gayssot, which makes it a crime to dispute the historicity of the Nazi Holocaust. In an appeal that will be considered by France's…

Zuendel, Christie Spook the Spooks

On June 11 the Canadian government's Security Intelligence Review Committee announced it was postponing indefinitely hearings on whether Ernst Zuendel represented a danger to the Canadian state. This followed by one day a brilliant argument by Zuendel's superb attorney, Doug Christie (ably assisted by Barbara Kulaszka) in an “apprehension of bias” motion against the SIRC…

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