(No) Freedom of Expression

There is the ideal of free speech, and then there is reality: censorship, persecution, and prosecution of dissidents.

The Trial of Günter Deckert

“A prison sentence will not force me into believing.”~ Guenter Deckert “When I have doubts I demand the right to express them …They talk about tolerance, but mean the inquisition. … The hunt to find incorrect literature pretending to fight crime. For a short time people can be intimidated by the threat of punishment, but…

Police State: My, How You’ve Grown

Yesterday's op ed by Daniel Ellsberg (of 1971 Pentagon Papers fame) provided a stunning retrospective on what Ellsberg calls the "different America" that dealt with him 40 years ago vis-a-vis the America that NSA Leaker Edward Snowden faces today for having committed "crimes" very similar to those committed by Ellsberg. The effect of the comparison…

Revisionist Flyers Spread Anonymously in Switzerland

Some individual(s) have disseminated a flyer to local letter boxes of the Swiss town of of Kreuzlingen. It contests that Jews were systematically gassed during WW II. The real victims, the anonymous author states, are to be found amongst German civilians: "So-called contemporary witnesses of those years are claiming gruesome horror-stories. The vast majority of…

Deborah Lipstadt Blasts “Holocaust-abuse” by U.S., Israeli Politicians

This Holocaust revisionist has a confession to make, and it’s worse than anything to which Bradley Smith confessed in his best-selling (?) Confessions of a Holocaust Revisionist: I have become a grudging admirer of Deborah Lipstadt. Yes, the Deborah Lipstadt who in 2001 with the able assistance of her publisher Penguin-Putnam defended successfully against the…

Who Will Stop the Crazy Nazi Ham-Radio Operator?

…cry the headlines of newspapers in Switzerland. The reason: Marcel Sauder, a farmer from Thurgau, is accused of having denied the "holocaust" on ham radio, having said: "The Holocaust never happened; at most a few tens of thousands of Jews died during World War II." Four years ago, the 44-year-old operator who calls himself "Fuchs" (fox)…

Their Names, Faces – and Voices!

The International Association of Jewish Lawyers and Jurists has put up 14 videos on their Web site to convey the talks given at their conference "Holocaust Denial and Freedom of Speech in the Internet Era" in Berlin last November. Most of the talks are aimed at suppressing both of the first-named items. While only two…

For Vincent Reynouard

I sincerely hope that the recent appeal by Vincent Reynouard with, at his side, Marie Bruchet, will be heard by all our friends. At the strictly scientific and historical level revisionism has won the match but, on the other hand, at the educational, propaganda and media level we are more and more besieged. To the…

Free the Artist – Jail the Judge

Michael Hoffman posted an interesting blog on All Saints Day regarding the sentencing of Irish artist Dermot Mulqueen. Mr. Mulqueen was sentenced to five months in jail for giving a lunchtime public performance on January 23rd 2015 where he put an axe through a TV at the Daniel O’Connell monument in Ennis town center. No…

The Issue of Free Inquiry at Rhode Island College

George Bissell, Editor-in-ChiefThe AnchorRhode Island CollegeProvidence, Rhode Island[email protected] 21 March 2012 Mr. Bissel: Earlier this month we submitted a print ad to run in The Anchor that read: "Inconvenient History: The Power of Taboo," along with a URL that leads to the Website of Inconvenient History: A Quarterly Journal for Free Historical Inquiry. The ad…

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