(No) Freedom of Expression

There is the ideal of free speech, and then there is reality: censorship, persecution, and prosecution of dissidents.

Please Keep Iceland from Going Down the Dangerous Path of Censorship

The Reykjavík Grapevine Hafnarstræti 15101 ReykjavíkIceland[email protected] Attention.   Ms. Andie Sophia Fontaine Regarding:  Expansion of Article 233 of the Penal Code to historical discussion: Dear Grapevine: I am writing on behalf of a Californian based association, the Committee for Open Debate on the Holocaust, (CODOH). We are an international group open to all people interested in correcting errors in history through scholarship and debate. We are…

The Truth is No Defense. Censorship Lobby Wants Section 13 Back Paul Fromm

In this 42 minute video, Paul Fromm of the Canadian Association for Free Expression (CAFE) talks to Brian Ruhe in Jan 2021, about the mounting assault on freedom of speech in Canada, by groups determined to prevent the exposure of the "Holocaust" atrocity hate lie. Paul relates how Zionist groups used their extensive influcence over…

Facebook Bans CODOH/Castle Hill

After announcing on October 12, 2020, that they would ban any material contesting the orthodox Holocaust narrative, we were holding our breath. Now we don't have to hold it anymore. Since yesterday, November 25, our facebook pages are official taken down: https://www.facebook.com/CODOH-349393818463125/https://www.facebook.com/castlehillpublishers/ From our end, we only received a notice on the screne once when…


For musician Alison Chabloz, 56, 2020 has been another eventful year. January 10th, Chabloz' appeal at Derby Crown Court against an eight-week prison sentence (breach of a 12-month social media ban for writing on her own website) was adjourned by HHJ Robert Egbuna; disclosure of communications between Chabloz' accusers – pro-Israel NGO "Campaign Against Antisemitism" (CAA) – the Crown, the National Probation Service and indeed the Ministry of Justice was, for some reason, unforthcoming… Chabloz was granted unconditional bail by the judge who decided that the appeal could not proceed properly without full disclosure of the relevant papers.

Holocaust on Trial Documentary PBS Smears Irving v. Lipstadt Holocaust Denial Trial

Controversial historian David Irving sued Jewish-American academic Deborah Lipstadt for libel after she had accused him of being a distorter of history and a Holocaust denier. Irving mounted his case alone, without legal support, taking on the legal big guns of a major publisher. This documentary is a reenactment of the courtroom proceedings as Irving…

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