(No) Freedom of Expression

There is the ideal of free speech, and then there is reality: censorship, persecution, and prosecution of dissidents.

A Controversy with Legs

The Irving/Goebbels/St. Martin's affair just won't die. Two months after Thomas McCormack, CEO of St. Martin's Press, announced that his company would nothonor its contract and publish David Irving's massive, exhaustively researched biography of Hitler's propaganda chief (see SR #31), this signal episode in America's lengthy postwar history of de facto censorship of revisionist scholars…

Zuendel, Christie Spook the Spooks

On June 11 the Canadian government's Security Intelligence Review Committee announced it was postponing indefinitely hearings on whether Ernst Zuendel represented a danger to the Canadian state. This followed by one day a brilliant argument by Zuendel's superb attorney, Doug Christie (ably assisted by Barbara Kulaszka) in an “apprehension of bias” motion against the SIRC…

Congresswoman Protests Blurb Used in Distribution of CODOH’s “Video of the Century”

An Oregon man has been distributing our one-hour video on Auschwitz, David Cole Interviews Dr. Franciszek Piper, to a nation-wide audience at his own expense. Just for starters, he sent it to the entire U.S. Congress. Marcy Kaptur (D, Ohio) thought the video was pretty nifty. On 16 January Congresswoman Kaptur wrote on her Congressional…

German Court Orders Book Burned; 100 Intellectuals Protest

Yes, you read the headline right: the present tense for “orders” is correct; the book is to be “burned” as well as banned; and so far as we can tell, no more than a hundred Germans protested publicly. The book is Grundlagen zur Zeitgeschichte: Ein Handbuch ueber strittige Fragen des 20. Jahrhunderts (Foundations of Contemporary…

CODOH Campaign and Web Site Influence Holocaust Debate

While Committee for Open Debate on the Holocaust hasn’t shamed any New York publisher into bringing out David Irving's (de facto) banned Goebbels just yet, CODOH's ongoing campaign against the book's suppression has begun to bring results. The most visible among them, so far, has been an astonishing column in a national magazine advocating both…

CODOH Undermines French Exterminationist Book Burners

Doing our best to combat modern-day Omars, CODOH has published two complete books by censored French revisionist writers on our Website. Les mythes fondateurs de la politique israélienne by Roger Garaudy: is posted complete at CODOH International. Garaudy has argued that Hitler's killing of Jews amounted to “pogroms” or “massacres”, but that it is an…


The German philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer wrote in his 1851 volume, Parerga and Parlipomena, of Omar's [c. 581 – 644. Second of the Mohammedan caliphs] burning of the library at Alexandria as follows: Religions are the children of ignorance, and they do not long survive their mother. Omar understood that when he burned the library at…

French Communist Intellectual Prosecuted Because of Revisionist Writings

“Former communist Roger Garaudy converts to revisionism” [L'ancien communiste Roger Garaudy se convertit au révisonnisme]. Such was the headline bannering Christiane Chombeau's January 31st article in Le Monde last winter, one rich in meaning for those who had followed Roger Garaudy's meandering career as a French intellectual since the late 1950s. More than just a…

Shameless Hollywood Handlers Exploit Failing Old Ladies—and Other Atrocious Scenes

The last few weeks have seen a renewed assault on revisionism in Hollywood, Washington, and New York, all venues which CODOH has targeted (so far) with modest success. First it was the glittering and schlocky Academy Awards presentation, at which “One Survivor Remembers,” the story of Anne Frank's helper Miep Gies, garnered the obligatory Holocaust…

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