(No) Freedom of Expression

There is the ideal of free speech, and then there is reality: censorship, persecution, and prosecution of dissidents.

Between Public Relations and Self-Alienation: Arab Intellectuals and the ‘Holocaust’

Defective Strategies for Coping with External Threats: A Preview Children sometimes mimic the sounds and gestures of characters, whether fictitious or real, that they see as frightening and omnipotent, including parents, teachers, and older siblings. These become rich sources for emulation in play, alone or with other children. From the inception of consciousness, humans search…

To the Mannheim Jail: Justice and Truth in Contemporary Germany

Fredrick Töben was born in June 1941 in Germany, and emigrated to Australia when he was ten. He studied at Melbourne University in Australia, as well as at universities in Heidelberg, Tübingen and Stuttgart in Germany, where he earned a doctorate in philosophy. He is the founder and director of the Adelaide Institute, an important…

Lying about Hitler

Lying about Hitler: History, Holocaust, and the David Irving Trial, by Richard J. Evans. New York: Basic Books, 2001. Hardcover. 318 pp. Doubtless one of the more memorable episodes from last year’s libel trial of David Irving v. Deborah Lipstadt was the lengthy clash between Irving, acting as his own attorney, and expert witness Richard…

Behind “An Eye for An Eye”

John Sack is one of America’s most eminent literary journalists. His reporting over more than half a century, from North and South America, Europe, Africa, and Asia, has appeared in such periodicals as Harper’s, The Atlantic, and The New Yorker. He has been a war correspondent in Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, and Yugoslavia, as well as…

World Revisionist Conference Banned in Lebanon under Jewish Pressure

Whoever doubted the social-political importance of Holocaust revisionism could doubt it no more following the success of frantic efforts this March by Jewish groups, supported by the U.S. government, to ban a peaceful, privately organized revisionist meeting in Lebanon. Caving in to pressure from the State Department and powerful Zionist organizations, the Lebanese government banned…

The Rudolf Case, Irving’s Lost Libel Suit and the Future of Revisionism

Costas Zaverdinos was born in Johannesburg, South Africa, in 1938. Since 1970 he has been with the University of Natal (Pietermaritzburg), which awarded him a Ph.D. in mathematics in 1984. He is currently an honorary senior lecturer with the University's School of Mathematics, Statistics and Computer Technology of the Faculty of Science. He is the…

The Importance of the Zündel Hearing in Toronto

Ernst Zündel addresses the 13th IHR Conference, May 28, 2000. Now into its fifth year, a little-known legal dispute in Canada with important international implications for Internet freedom of speech, is quietly being fought out before the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal in downtown Toronto. Responding to Jewish complaints, the Canadian Human Rights Commission charges that…

The Greatest Dirty Open Secret

Arthur R. Butz was born and raised in New York City. In 1965 he received his doctorate in Control Sciences from the University of Minnesota. In 1966 he joined the faculty of Northwestern University (Evanston, Illinois), where he is now Associate Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering. In addition to numerous technical papers, Dr. Butz…

Swiss Revisionist Forced Into Exile for Thought Crime

Jürgen Graf at the 13th IHR Conference, May 28, 2000 A prominent Swiss revisionist author who fled his homeland rather than serve a 15-month prison sentence for “Holocaust denial” has been welcomed in Iran. Rather than begin serving the politically-motivated prison term that was to commence in October, Jürgen Graf is staying in Tehran at…

German Court Ruling Threatens Internet Freedom

In an ominous blow against on-line freedom of speech, Germany’s highest court declared on December 12, 2000, that German law banning “Holocaust denial” material applies even to foreigners who post such content on Internet web sites outside of the country, as long as the material is accessible in Germany. The federal supreme court in Karlsruhe,…

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