(No) Freedom of Expression

There is the ideal of free speech, and then there is reality: censorship, persecution, and prosecution of dissidents.

Roy Bullock: ADL Informant

Veteran subscribers with extraordinary memories may recognize the name of Roy Bullock from a brief item about him in the January 1987 issue of IHR Newsletter. It told readers that Bullock was a paid agent of the Zionist Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith. Bullock, the item went on, is paid to gather information for the…

Irving Conviction in Germany Upheld, Fine Tripled

David Irving has been ordered by a German court to pay 30,000 marks (about $18,000) for telling an audience that the “gas chamber” at Auschwitz shown to hundreds of thousands of tourists annually is a phony postwar reconstruction (“Attrappen”). On January 13 a Munich court rejected Irving’s appeal of a 1992 conviction, and then tripled…

French Court Orders Heavy Penalties Against Faurisson for Holocaust Views

On December 9, 1992, the Paris Court of Appeal (Eleventh Department) rejected Professor Robert Faurisson’s appeal of an April 1991 conviction on a charge of “contesting the crimes against humanity” because of remarks about the Holocaust story he made in a magazine interview. The appeal court imposed penalties of 187,000 francs (nearly $40,000 at current…

Otto-Ernst Remer Sentenced to 22 Months Imprisonment for Revisionist Publications

A German court has sentenced Otto-Ernst Remer, an 80-year-old retired army general, to 22 months imprisonment for publishing articles disputing wartime mass killings at Auschwitz in gas chambers. On October 22, 1992, a criminal court in Schweinfurt found Remer guilty of “popular incitement” and “incitement to racial hatred” because of allegedly anti-Jewish statements published in…

Canadian Reflections on the Zündel and Irving Cases

On August 27, Canada's Supreme Court struck down as unconstitutional the law under which German-Canadian publisher Ernst Zündel was convicted for publishing a Revisionist booklet about the Holocaust. In a four-three decision, the judges ruled that the “false news” law under which he was convicted violates the freedom-of-speech provisions of Canada's Charter of Rights, and…

David Irving’s Most Un-Excellent Adventure

Zionist Groups Demand Irving's OusterCanadian Media Criticizes Ban As best-selling British historian and author David Irving approached the US-Canadian border at Niagara Falls after a speaking tour in the western United States, he knew that this particular visit to the “Great White North” would be different than previous visits. Two things had changed since Irving's…

Life Under Fire

(Presented at the Eleventh IHR Conference, October 1992) Thank you, United States, for letting me come and speak. I mean that seriously because the fight is now getting quite creepy. For two years now, in country after country, I have been conducting this international Campaign for Real History. During this period, in country after country,…

Fred Leuchter: Courageous Defender of Historical Truth

Until early 1988, Fred A. Leuchter, Jr. – like most Americans – basically accepted the Holocaust extermination story. In itself that is not at all remarkable, except that this man also just happened to be the foremost American expert on gassing and gas chamber technology. As readers of this Journal know, Fred Leuchter was commissioned…

In-Depth Report of “Holocaust Trial” Provides Valuable Overview

The Holocaust on Trial: The Case of Ernst Zündel, by Robert Lenski. Decatur, Ala.: The Reporter Press, 1990. Paperback. 544 pages. Photographs. Index. ISBN: 0-9623220-0-8. (Available from the IHR for $ 29.00, plus $ 2.00 postage and handling. [check with www.ihr.org for current availability and price; ed.]) Anyone with an interest in twentieth century history…

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