(No) Freedom of Expression

There is the ideal of free speech, and then there is reality: censorship, persecution, and prosecution of dissidents.

Great Holocaust Trial 1984

1984 "Holocau$t" trial in Canada. Ernst Zundel takes on the Zionist liars. In 1984, Ernst Zundel (1939 – 2017), a Canadian of German origin is taken to court by Zionist liars under an archaic law about "spreading false news". Ernst was harrassed daily when he arrived at court, "terror" being an essential tactic of Zionist…

Living Free in an Unfree World

Western Canadian Separatist and free speech lawyer Douglas Christie talks about freedom, purpose and self-fulfillment, in an unfree world. Douglas Christie was the lawyer who brilliantly defended Ernst Zundel, routed "Holocau$t" "expert" Hilberg, and showed that "Holocau$t" witnesses were blatant liars.  

Memorabilia: Political Trials in Today’s Canada (Part 3 of 3)

Ernst Zündel and Prof. Robert Faurisson dissect the so-called justice system and 'human rights commissions' in Canada. It seems that "human rights" has an agenda – to prevent any citicism of zionists and allow hate propaganda of Germans. This video (28 minutes) shows how "human rights" prevents the truth being told about Zionists and lets lies be spread…

Memorabilia: Political Trials in Today’s Canada (Part 2 of 3)

Ernst Zündel and Prof. Robert Faurisson dissect the so-called justice system and 'human rights commissions' in Canada. It seems that "human rights" has an agenda – to prevent any citicism of zionists and allow hate propaganda of Germans. This video (28 minutes) shows how "human rights" prevents the truth being told about Zionists and lets lies be spread…

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