(No) Freedom of Expression

There is the ideal of free speech, and then there is reality: censorship, persecution, and prosecution of dissidents.

Memorabilia: Doug Christie Debates Human-Rights Hack on the Cherington TV Show (June 1984)

Douglas Christie (1946 – 2013), the Battling Barrister and freedom-of-speech advocate, demolishes the head of the Ontario "Human Rights" Commission, Dr. Bhausaheb Ubale, on the issues of freedom of speech and out-of-control "human rights" which are being used to silence critics and enforce the "guilty until proven innocent" mantra which forces Canadians to fight against the…

Pope Pius XII and Bishop Williamson vs. Elie Wiesel and the Holocaust Fundamentalists: Whom Do You Believe?

If 20,000 or more people a day were being killed at Auschwitz, Pius XII, with his contacts there, would have known about it. In other words, if, in addition to the Jewish Ordeal of World War II, the Holocaust actually happened, and he said nothing about it, then he deserves our condemnation. However, if the reverse is true, that is, that there was no Holocaust, as the Allied aerial photography clears indicates, then it is the Holocaust Fundamentalist accusers of the Beloved Pontiff who deserve our scorn.

Does Amazon Censor Book Reviews?

As we have documented in detail elsewhere, in early March 2017, Amazon removed from its online bookstore well over a hundred books (print and Kindle versions) on the history of World War II in general and on the persecution of the Jews in particular, after Amazon had been pressured for years, mainly by Jewish organizations,…

Monika Schaefer’s Second Talk with Brian Ruhe since Leaving a German Jail

This is Monika Schaefer's second visit on The Brian Ruhe Show since being freed from an Allied puppet state prison in Germany after 10 months imprisonment for exposing the "Holocau$t" as a fraud. Monika and her brother Alfred, have been active in rebutting the Holocau$t lie. Both Monika and Alfred have recieved prison sentences in…

A Chat with Paul Fromm: Canadian Freedom of Speech Fighter (October 2015)

Watch this Special English language edition of the program "8, 9, 10" on Channel TLV1 (Toda La Verdad Primero – "The Truth and Nothing but the Truth") in Buenos Aires, Argentina, in which Juan Manuel Soaje Pinto (Director of TLV1) and international analyst Adrian Salbuchi interview PAUL FROMM, Director of the Canadian Association for Free…

Monika Schaefer’s Second Talk with Brian Ruhe since Leaving a German Jail

This is Monika Schaefer's second visit on The Brian Ruhe Show since being freed from an Allied puppet state prison in Germany after 10 months imprisonment for exposing the "Holocau$t" as a fraud. Monika and her brother Alfred, have been active in rebutting the Holocau$t lie. Both Monika and Alfred have recieved prison sentences in…

Brian Ruhe, John Kaminski, Diane King (Oct 16, 2018)

Brian Ruhe with Revolution Radio presents John Kaminski and Diane King as they discuss the letters from the imprisoned brother and sister, Alfred and Monika Schaefer in a Munich Germany prison. Brian Ruhe, who was later expelled from his "religion" for exposing the "Holocau$t" lie, the brillant, attractive and delightful Diane King (who with Jim…

Doug Christie on “Crossfire” 1985

Free speech lawyer Douglas Christie appeared on "Crossfire" after the first Zundel trial, in 1985, and was aggressively questioned by panelists Ian Mulgrew, Kathleen Mahoney and George Oake. Doug was the brilliant lawyer, who defended Ernst Zundel, at the great Holocau$t trial. He showed a  "Holocau$t" "expert",  a Professor Hilberg, to be a fraud, and…

Your Ward News Permanently Banned from Canadian Mail Live Stream with Paul Fromm

Paul Fromm in an interview with Brian Ruhe on free speech in Canada. Paul Fromm is a fighter for civil rights in Canada. In this video (35 minutes) he explains how the "Canadian" "Government", which seems to act increasingly like a front group for the Zionist "Canadian" Jewish Congress, continues to abuse the law to prevent…

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