(No) Freedom of Expression

There is the ideal of free speech, and then there is reality: censorship, persecution, and prosecution of dissidents.

Arsonists attack Revisionist Publishers

“Thoughtcrime does not entail death: thoughtcrime IS death.”George Orwell The offices of a major English publisher of revisionist materials were badly damaged in an arson attack today. Wilson Publishing and Historical Review Press, in Uckfield, East Sussex, was discovered in flames at 4.30am. There were no reported injuries in the blaze which destroyed the offices…

A Fearful Symmetry

Concluding the tenth chapter of his novel Moravagine, the French poet, Blaise Cendrars, describes the social ferment that pervaded Tsarist Russia on the eve of revolution: “Everything was thrown out of kilter: institutions, family traditions, the notion of honor. A frantic loosening of all ties, which was mistaken for mysticism, was at work in every…

G7 Threat to Online Free Speech and Privacy

7 AUGUST 1996 Summary On July 30th the G7 group of nations met in Paris to discuss terrorism. Among other responses the G7 have endorsed a number of restrictions and controls on the Internet. These include the prohibition or censorship of sources that may contain “dangerous” information, restrictions on the electronic speech of unpopular political…

Nazifying the Germans

Not long ago a German friend remarked to me, jokingly, that he imagined the only things American college students were apt to associate with Germany nowadays were beer, Lederhosen, and the Nazis. I replied that, basically, there was only one thing that Americans, whether college students or not, associated with Germany. When the Germans are…

Computer Network Holocaust Debate Closed Down

“Thoughtcrime does not entail death: thoughtcrime IS death.”George Orwell The latest effort by revisionists to foster open debate on the holocaust issue over a computer network “bulletin board system” (BBS) has been closed down by network censors after just three weeks. On September 9, 1992, the GE-nie computer network permitted the creation of a new…

Teacher Suspended for Challenging Holocaust Story

“Thoughtcrime does not entail death: thoughtcrime IS death.”George Orwell The latest victim of a series of witchhunts against school teachers accused of questioning the “Holocaust” is Giovanni Pinto, a forty-two-year-old high school teacher from Montville, New Jersey. Pinto was suspended by school authorities last February 24, nineteen days after he is alleged to have challenged…

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